Filburt Shellbach

Well, in defense of opening credits everywhere, this one is only about ten seconds long.

Yes… shallow and pedantic.

Yep. The pilot is a great start. I'm totally on board. Check it out on Hulu if you haven't already.

Womp it up!

It's completely a thing.

I love the details of the ending tag. The way Selina is looking off camera at cue cards, the way all SNL hosts—and even the cast members—seem to, is spot on.

A real life Daria?

I was totally mislead by this show's promotional materials, I guess. I thought this would be an expansion of the six or seven minutes in Burn's Civil War documentary. I turned this off after twenty minutes once I realized what we were in for.

Swing Forrest's sword at him Shelby!

I'm inclined to agree with you on The War. In school, I never got a good base for understanding the context of that war. I hoped The War would do for WW2 what his film The Civil War did for that conflict. Unfortunately, it completely missed.

Every time I visit a Civil War site for the first time, I search YouTube for the corresponding clip from The Civil War. And goddammit do I love me some Shelby Foote.

Thanks for articulating the general disaffection I feel for this show. New Girl was once the show I couldn't wait to watch (along with Happy Endings). Now its become a real chore. There's New Girl again… guess I'll watch it once everything else is gone…

Nick Kroll's Beefy Liz lip movements deserve an Emmy.

"It's based off our ney-ames."

Where is this week's review?

Slightly-older Sarah Michelle Gellar is really doing it for me.

Yes! Erica is one of the fuzzier characters on the show. Maybe it's because the real Adam Goldberg didn't have an actual hot sister?

One of the more sitcom-y episodes of what has been a stellar first season so far.