
Peanut butter. How diabolically evil do you have to be to refrigerate peanut butter?! I’ll tell you! As evil as my evil aunt! Who insisted on peanut butter in the fridge smeared on crappy wonder bread, so when lunch came around it was peanut butter sorta scraped over chunks of “bread” that did not resemble a sandwich

This reminds of people that blur out their license plate selling their car. Like, you know we can all see it when you drive around right?

What about the opposite problem?  Machines that are like toddlers and won’t stay asleep?

If you’re adding the black bars, you should probably be exporting it out of Illustrator as a PNG or JPEG, not a PDF. That way you lose that underlying information as it is now a flattened image.

I put a white box over the text, then type something over that, then pixelate that.

Can’t we just move the deer crossing signs to a better location? Seems stupid to tell the deer that they can cross in the middle of a highway.

When I got my very first car insured, the insurance salesperson explained to me “If you have to choose between hitting Bambi and hitting a tree, hit Bambi. We cover you hitting Bambi. If you hit a tree, you’re likely to be at fault.”

In an article about position of hand relative to phone why no actual pictures of the positions discussed? Same goes for sex positions BTW.

I can tell you what my parents pulled on me. They just tell me whatever I wanted to do was scary. Back when I was in elementary school, I wanted to watch Disney’s Cinderella (the old school animated movie). My parents owned a video rental store at the time and I was hanging out at the store while they worked. They

The worst thing I ever did was when my kids were 3 and 4. If they didn’t want to do something I wanted them to do, like go to bed, I’d say, well, why don’t we just flip a coin. Heads I win, tails you lose. That worked well for a few months, but when they finally caught on, they were really pissed.

I mean, we all scoot bedtime up in the winter because it gets dark earlier and they can’t tell time right?

“Big Data” is a wonderous thing - person A is known to be interested in hernia surgery and jeeps, and person B is known to be one of their contacts, so when person A and B are near to each other it can be inferred their conversation included those topics, and it’s the best time to show person B adverts.   

I thought it was only on NBC/Peacock this year. Is it on both?

I thought NBC was carrying the game?

Nope, on a computer 

Or maybe they can cut Bezo’s paycheck?

Kind of left out the key part of this sentence:

I lost seven pounds in two years — ask me how!”

It was! It’s just recycled content:

Wow, I totally expected this to be a slideshow.