
I mean, I found it helpful, since I didn't know.🤷‍♀️

Hi “Sarahfails” thanks for your constructive feedback. The way this works is: I don’t write the headlines--and not everyone is as Wordle-informed as you. Take care. ✌️

Thank you for this essential service. Videos are even worse than slideshows.

In case you don’t want to watch the video:

You watch what Google wants to you watch.

Pro tip: In addition to the waterpipe, standing water in outdoor/lawn equipment can freeze and cause damage as well. Before it gets cold, I flush out the pressure washer pump, and blow out all the garden hoses before putting it away for the season. If you have one, don’t forget to blow out your irrigation system.

I only read the Pornhub articles.

As an IT Security engineer... Number one, yes we are absolutely logging everything we can about how you use your corporate systems. Number two, none of us want to have to look in to any of that data.

We have better things to do.

Making money to not die, mostly.

Things “just work” on Apple stuff, but generally not in a way that (to me) makes sense or works well. And the limited ability to customize stuff on Apple’s OSes, makes me avoid them entirely.

Contrarily, your comment sounds like an Apple user who’s jealous their Android using friends. 🤷‍♀️

Two things, both garage door related:

Paint the peanuts tan and leave them outside for the squirrels.

How to reuse packing peanuts:

Best trick I know for late cancelations at a hotel:

Cool, thanks.  Seeing the amount of time it takes to ship, I was hoping that they’d be pretty shelf-stable... but at the same time, I didn’t want to take them away from those who currently need them more than I do.

The one I took last week was made in Oct 2021 and had an expiration date of Oct 2022, can’t say that the year is standard across all brands though.

Do the tests expire if unused for a period of time? Should only those who are experiencing symptoms (or who have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive) request a test, or is it in everyone’s best interest to place an order for potential use at some point (weeks, months, or more) in the future?

This is interesting as last week I ordered child sized KN95 masks that prominently advertise being “FDA Listed”, which might mean pretty much nothing.Â