
If your plan for governance is so terrible that it makes you believe you need a 24/7 security detail, you might want to rethink your plan.

Pretty easy to see why. Sales are down because no one is buying new phones. My kid and a few of his friends are all still on 5's. No need to replace them as they work perfectly. The curve has flattened on this stuff, we’ve reached ‘peak phone’. So, if you have to sell new phones, brick the old models. Designed,

You do realize there is nothing to proclude a developer from running a 32bit application inside a 64bit operating system right?

I need another digital assistant like I need another messaging platform...

Because my documents do look better in Word than in Google Docs. And, oh, I’m a lawyer so I don’t want my documents from my clients and for my clients on the cloud.

Honestly, I may not be a huge fan of his but after last week’s gas attack... this was probably a good move. It shows strength at a time that most nations are probably questioning whether this administration will be a complete pushover with a big mouth.

Is 2017 the year Deadspin writes nice articles about the Cardinals or something? I do not like this new Deadspin.

Remember how people were saying there was really no difference between him and Hillary and millions of women believed it?

did this ever really happen or are people misremembering it? Is this proof of a parallel universe?

Lets be honest. No one is winning right now.

That’s so weird. I remember during the campaign how his supporters were so so vocal about deleting digital correspondences, unsecured phones, etc.

Sweet Jeebus, could you imagine if the NFL encouraged fans to report infractions as they were happening on the field, and then those infractions would be enforced? Holy shitballs, that would be a cosmic clusterfuck. But...I kind of also want to see it.

The world’s biggest Echo? “Alexa, order new underwear.”

Liquor cabinet

OK, but let’s see you come back a month later and eat it. Advantage: Badger.

Maybe the cheerleaders did something completely disgusting and amoral, like going to a restaurant with a married man.

Rumor has it the cheerleaders were also part of a pyramid scheme.

This is Utah we’re talking about...