
Ashley, this is seriously amazing work.

You mean like minded-individual

It’s people like you that make life exciting!

It’s going to be a great war, believe me, the best, let me tell you, and North Korea is going to pay for it.

Teenage boys in trench coats have lost some cachet the last 18 years or so.

I was thinking something like JavaScript would be a good choice since you can use it for front end and back end development.

Please keep your opinions to yourself and just report the things I like.

Oh look, a snowflake that needs his safe space.

“Please keep your opinions to yourself and just report the things I like.”

I’ll agree with that part. My wife and I are more power users at theme parks and will walk all over to get on rides rather than hanging around. The older fastpass system was much better for us as we could get way more passes on prime rides than now. Gone are the days of randomly heading to MGM and then getting pass

It’s a DNA sampler for the Quik-Rep-Clone (tm) system that made your replacement.

My two cents on that is that their was absolutely no bill they could have drafted that would have passed.

Turns out if *45 can’t sue someone, or declare bankruptcy, or call in his own PR pretending to be someone else, he has no actual negotiating skills at all. And those previous tactics aren’t skills.

funny... it’s totally the opposite for me. i try to arrive in the early evening so that after an exhausting trip, i can grab a lite meal, have a shower, and hit the sack. i usually wake up pretty refreshed the following day. i guess it hinges on your ability to get quality sleep on the plane. i don’t ever get

‘Look at this, right now you’re in spring training working out, and we’re with our people, with our silver medals.’  

“None of our main guys say no to the baseball classic.”

the danger here is that it’s unclear what, if any, face they could put on it, because it’s a kinda oddball return to the wild west of the internet with unclear rules over who’s regulating what... at least right now! by the time it reaches the House, there might be more information beyond “we don’t want to do the thing

I read the whole thing too and had the following thoughts:

Thank you for your service in WWII, but please stop using that term.