
This is insulting to children and babies.

I was lost after science convention and Texas. Two things my brain tells me have nothing to do with each other

“Why no, I’m afraid that I need this kitty litter for my own incontinence.”

How to get silicone goop out of your hair:

They’ve been blocked at being able to freely express their hatred toward other Americans. Now if they could only get being able to freely express their hatred toward skin color, their lives (under god) would be fulfilled once again... like they were able to do back in the 50's.


Also def isn’t self-defeating to demand takedowns, thereby giving anybody anywhere a reason to give a shit in the first place.

“Trump’s ego drives his belief that he can win every confrontation no-matter-what...”

This is the first time I’ve ever heard of this person.

McDonald’s pays a decent wage for the work being performed. I worked there as a teen and was treated well, and learned a lot about the responsibilities of being employed. I didn’t earn much money ($4.25/hr back then), but I consider it to have been paid training.

Almost like their uneducated bigots

“Hey man, that’s enough to take a night off from Uber this week. Nice!” - Chad Henne, probably.

Can we all applaud and celebrate that he used landscape mode?

Slow motion is the worst. I wanna see this thing at normal speed.

Wait...I’ve seen this map before.

I hate that we have to have laws like this. You’d think after the all civil rights movements we’ve had in the past everyone could just shutup and get along.

I always ask jokingly but seriously “upgrade for free?” when they say that and go from there.

Or explore some of the themes in the Animatrix. The original war?

Please do NOT give us Young Morpheus