
Why do you care if you’re in the picture? Do you think people won’t believe that you were actually in a place otherwise? Just seems mildly narcissistic.

If you’re driving, you don’t have much freedom. Autonomous vehicles will help with that, but in the meantime, drivers probably should not use their “pockets of freedom” to paint or write the next great romance novel. Audiobooks are great, but you still have to watch out for that asshole in front of you. I do not feel

What, was she a Trekkie or something?

Meanwhile back in Washington...

I don’t know what’s worse, the fact that this guy calls his wife Mother and refuses to treat women like equal humans and not conniving sex hypnotists lusting over his protuberance, or that he’s playing second fiddle to Donald Fucking Trump.

We look like idiots because members of the Administration don’t know where a carrier strike group is or they lie about it and then remember they need to tell the Pentagon to send it up to the Sea of Japan.

“If you tell your enemies what you are going to do and then you go and do it, you have given them the advantage.”

No. That’s the point of the article. People don’t believe his crap.

Also the difference between a full-time professional photographer, and Kellyanne’s iPhone skills.

Players can and do respond at times. We’ve all seen it. Player’s jaw back at fans. That’s not what Smart got fined for. Making an obscene gesture to an entire crowd is a completely different story. It’s asking for a fine, in any sport. It amazes me how people can’t see the difference here.

It was the most NFL players that have ever attended a White House visit EVER!

Why would you write that when you could have written “Dick 4:69" instead? What a wasted opportunity.

#boycott #scarmageddon

It sounds a little ridiculous to move just to save money on your loan, but the student loan burden is no joke.

Be mindful that a lot of states will make up the taxes in other ways. NH does not have sales or income tax but has disproportionately higher property tax. (Rent difference from larger cities might even this out).

And people laughed at me for not dropping him from my fantasy team.

Well now maybe he can move on in peace with his life . . . sentence.

Musk timeline - September 2017

There are over 300,000,000 Americans and they don’t all share the same opinions.