
We can’t get him to quit.

Wonder how many confederate flag wavers are telling Hillary supporters “you lost, get over it”?

If you are waiting, it’s a good thing. It means you aren’t about to die. The person who gets taken right in with no waiting and no paperwork is about to die without immediate help. Go back to dicking around on your phone and be thankful that you are waiting.

Not sure what to do with a Starbucks card though, since I do like coffee and all.

Not sure what to do with a Starbucks card though, since I do like coffee and all.

There’s a slight chance you may be overestimating the global impact of Vanderbilt University.

I think you’ve got Jesus all wrong here, pal.

You and your liberal biased indisputable facts of things that Donald Trump “allegedly” said on Twitter. You make me sick, you lib-tard hippy-dippy... I can’t do this anymore.

sounds great. i assume you’ll be deciding what’s “unnecessary,” “not essential to the operation of the federal government,” and which laws “don’t need to exist”?

Your HTML is showing.

I see... a beautiful aquatic anus.

I was angered by this, but then the Great Spaghetti Monster came unto me, and he said “Chill dude”. So I chilled. Also yeah, religion is fucking stupid.

This article would *definitely* exist if he spent every weekend putting together puzzles on his time off. And it would be glorious.

His voters would also like you to know that at no point on social media have they expressed outrage at the frequency or taxpayer cost of another president’s leisure activities.

Kellyanne Conway confirmed that Trump is a great golfer. In fact, she referred to his last win as The Putting Green Masacre.

Well, I will say this. I am very sure he’s not being hypocritical about this, and I’m sure if you looked at his twitter history there would be no tweets criticizing a certain politician for spending too much time playing golf rather than running the country.

Just a sampling of how many times that out of shape shitgibbon bitched about Obama golfing.

Doesn’t really sound like a “money is strange” situation. Sounds more like a “you grew up quite rich, and around really rich people” situation.

Let’s be honest, the winking could be lots worse:

I just hope they don’t make the mistake of giving Han a heart of gold in this movie. He shouldn’t be bad - kind of a chaotic neutral, but it’s pretty clear that he’s doing everything he can to avoid getting involved in the good-vs.-evil struggle for the galaxy. It would be a big mistake to have him doing anything to

Whatever the title it has to refer to the Kessel run. In fact, I think the story should be about how the Millenium Falcon made the Kessel run in 12 parsecs. For instance: 12 Parsecs to Kessel- A Star Wars Joint.