
You said they were “Identical Twins.”

Remember, Musk has his eyes on Mars.

I was actually on the fence on whether oyu just made a slightly racist joke or you were a full on racist. Thanks for the clarification, I hate suspense!

You seem triggered, snowflake. Care for a juice box and a quiet place to sit?

Really, how hard was the hit? Did Alexander ring Graham’s bell?

Let’s check in on the Trump administration after one week:

That has been the one bright spot. That so many people spontaneously showed up to protest. But i fear that Trump will cause so many daily outrages that the shocking will become the new normal, and people will just get used to the madness. That is how extremism took root in every country. Regular people just didn’t

I spent the weekend in horror, rage, shame and yes pride. If my government disgusts me, my fellow citizens (well most of them) fill me with hope.

“A lot of this can be boiled to down to thinking before you shoot”

I might add. If the thing is a few years old, and you’re sure you have the tech skills to open up your machine, you can get a new battery extremely cheaply in most cases.

Jesus, in all the morass I totally missed this story. I hope every journalist in the state keeps his lack of assistance and attention as front page news for....about the next four years.

Thomas Cromwell was beheaded without trial and his head was put on a spike on London Bridge.

None of my dystopian novels predicted rouge park rangers leading the resistance on Twitter. . .

That would be the gift we all need right now.

Mayor de Blasio decried the executive order as “immoral” and vowed to fight the President tooth and nail.

to the tune of “murder car,” duh

Start your web browser, go into the settings menu, and find the option to ‘clear cookies’.

Yeah, it’s a special car. Trust me, I know cars. It’s the best car. Really yuge car.

But if you leave, you’ll be taking the ‘douche’ with you!

No its really about suppressing information.