
“Him just hanging around Waco scares me.”
“Those are some bad dudes.”
“Why was she around those guys?”

Nigeria? Middle East?
Geography fail

For the full Pixel experience, don’t forget to remove your SD card and unplug your wireless chargers. :-P

I would also add “don’t say you didn’t change anything.” Installing new software IS changing something. “Fixing” the system cache settings is a change. Toggling that BIOS setting you read about on Facebook counts. IT ALL COUNTS!!! You did change something but since you won’t own up to it I will now spend 60 minutes

All the way down to -∞? By 2am?

Or 613 by 2.3

You mean the Mizuno “Runbird”?

I won’t buy anything with a manufacturer’s logo that’s visible

I thought it was a “Santa Clause” reference.

Before you work yourselves into a froth and unleash fury upon me in the comments, let me make one thing clear: I know bacon isn’t meant to be cooked in the microwave. An oven will do a better job, or a skillet, or hell, even a machine gun. That being said, some mornings you just want some damn bacon, and you don’t

Before you work yourselves into a froth and unleash fury upon me in the comments, let me make one thing clear: I

I add Sriracha.

If you buy a smart fridge today, you can expect that it will be buggy and outdated for most of its lifespan, and inevitably join a botnet and participate in a massive DDoS attack.

Smart. That way ninjas can’t sneak up on you while you sleep.

Leaving the oven open after baking doesn’t really do any magic warming. The heat “contained” in a closed oven doesn’t disappear, it has to go somewhere. It just enters the house at a much slower rate than leaving the oven open.

I’d also throw spamgourmet in this conversation.

Is there a correlation between problem solving skills and computer literacy? It seems this study required both and then threw the results into the ‘computer literacy’ bucket without separating the two.

Amazon is reportedly working on a version of their Echo device with a seven-inch touchscreen and better speakers... Sounds neat—and expensive.

And if “Josh” is in Mumbai?

I have the One Touch Wireless and it was pretty nice when I used it with a Nexus 4 (which if you remember had a very touchy Qi antenna) but with a Samsung GS7 it completely rocks! The GS7 picks up the charge super-easy and charges very quickly.

I have the One Touch Wireless and it was pretty nice when I used it with a Nexus 4 (which if you remember had a very

Thanks for that. That’s more what I was imagining when I clicked on the post.