Also worth mentioning if you run over a blue reflector with your driver-side wheels it’s 1 point and if you do it with the passenger-side wheels it’s 3 points!
Also worth mentioning if you run over a blue reflector with your driver-side wheels it’s 1 point and if you do it with the passenger-side wheels it’s 3 points!
Fridge and washer every 5 years?!? Are you insane? This message brought to you by the fridge and washer union, motto: “buy yet another new machine today.”
“At least the colors are ok.”
No, no, NO! Wrong, just wrong. Green and yellow are an abomination awaiting the appropriate reaction - abhoration. Don’t look that word up. It’s the reaction of green and yellow. Green and yellow like the UofZero D*cks who take pride in hiding that color combination even though Uncle Phil…
Monday’s game? By the time they got home she was thanking him she didn’t have to witness the bullpen carnage that ensued.…
Andy clearly said “lifehack this situation”, I think that means a Greasemonkey script. LOL
Can’t stop staring at that photoshop’d hand.
Can’t stop staring at that photoshop’d hand.
Do we really need to know the terrorists were from Regina?
Agreed! Also moving the price after the product name makes it easier to preuse the items. Quick turnaround on that noted. :-)
Agreed! Also moving the price after the product name makes it easier to preuse the items. Quick turnaround on that…
The new light-green prices in front of the non-Amazon links are hard to read especially when they’re tucked in between the huge Amazon bubble-prices. Which got me thinking... why are the prices listed first? I’m pretty sure nobody peruses the ‘Kitchen’ section and says “hmmm, I’m looking for a $12 deal today.” I’d…
The new light-green prices in front of the non-Amazon links are hard to read especially when they’re tucked in…
The “catching your eye” and “careful product placement” reminds me of a marketing trick that kind’a freaked me out the first time I learned about it. Cereals marketed for children (Frosted Flakes, Cap’n Crunch, etc.) have characters on the boxes that look down. That way when they’re placed on the shelf, they can make…
4:45pm PDT, same error. :-(
Remember when MS gave Outlook away for free? Was that Outlook 97 or Outlook 98?
I haven’t seen Outlook 2016, did they add more color? (Any color?) I recently switched from Outlook 2010 to 2013. Boy was I underwelmed with the color themes. Let’s see, the options are grey, more grey and less grey. Thanks Microsoft for making the morning task of email even more disdainful.
Melanie, nice post. As a keyboard junkie, I would add the following shortcuts:
Ctrl+1 = Inbox
Ctrl+2 = Calendar
Ctrl+3 = Contacts
Ctrl+4 = Tasks
Ctrl+5 = Notes
Ctrl+6 = Folders
Ctrl+7 = Shortcuts
Ctrl+8 = Journal
All of the deals mentioned early in the post are repeated later in the post. Those are also the same items that have the inline-green-bubble. So when I get down to the lists, I just ignore all green-bubble items. But now that we’re talking about the green-bubbles, I realize I’ve been missing additional items that…
All of the deals mentioned early in the post are repeated later in the post. Those are also the same items that have…
In the discussion of things painful to clean, I’d like to add the following:
- colander
- cookie drying rack
- box grater
- sports bottle straws
- broiler pan
“In the interest of fairness, the NCAA tournament makes every team most teams travel elsewhere to play their games”
Wow I paid $200 for digital photo frame! 2007.
HELP! I’m stuck in “Would you save a lot of money with more mpg?” and can’t find the ‘No’. Somebody in “Is you car a gas guzzler?” please lower a rope.