
Each tab as an app is a setting you can turn off. Hooray Android! But I get what you’re saying - KitKat was my fav.

I was wondering why I had to go to a hotel and do hotels even have pans? Maybe if it was some 4-star place with a restaraunt but would they let me use their pan?

@rolandeschain I absolutely agree. The local police department installed red light cameras and a year later they were rolling in cash. New armoured vehicle, new firing range, new patrol cars, doubled the administrative staff, yada, yada, all without new taxes or bonds. Hmmmm. Advocates point out how they reduce the

In that case, they can just install some red light cameras.

more importantly, does this mean I can use the emulator to run Chrome?

Anybody else concerned that the guys who work there are afraid to physically touch the robot?

“At 14 acres wide”
Please tell me that’s a Kessel Run joke.

...with the ‘predictive hybrid autofocus’ disabled.

I bet this would also work with an “empty” mayonnaise jar!

Every day? I’m lucky if I make it once a month. How do you have the time? Is there a shaving secret I’m missing out on? Maybe it’s because I prefer the Jason Statham stubbley look rather than shave-shaved.

We found donating to a veterans group is the easiest way to get rid of stuff. We tried garage sales and Craigslist and Ebay but it was too much work to make it seem worthwhile. About every three months, we contact the veterans group, pile everything on the porch and enjoy all the space we’re going to fill over the

Remember when they toyed around with email via a web browser of all things? Haha. Or how about when they thought they could actually out-map Mapquest? That Google Videos site - what a joke. And then they had the audacity to release a mobile OS, thinking they could take on Apple. Oh boy, we’re still laughing about that

Anybody else fascinated by the features of the Japanese kitchen?

1996 has an easy explanation. Notice the last movie he watched that year was Independence Day? I figure he watched that and said “screw this, I’m done watching this crap” and it took him 6 months to recover.

Oddly, driving mode is still there. Google just removed the ability to start it. Huh? Fortunately there are apps that filled the void. My favorite is Car Mode Control. Run it to start driving mode, run it again to end driving mode. You can control it with any automation app (Tasker, AutomateIt, Automate). I set up a

“TV and speaker stands sold separately.”
What about the couch? What about the TV remote? The TV shelf?

“TV and speaker stands sold separately.”
What about the couch? What about the TV remote? The TV shelf?

That watch on the right... so many questions. To start with, what direction do the hands move?

That watch on the right... so many questions. To start with, what direction do the hands move?

Shock to the system? Check.
Exercise? Check.
Scares me? Check.

Motel 8

I lived in SF for over 15 years and I swear the 4th of July was consistently the coldest, windiest, foggiest day of the year.