
This isn’t a one-way street by any means. During Google I/O, Android added fingerprint authentication... already found on iOS.

I use it for fantasy sports.

I just can’t parse “bottom right half.” It’s either the bottom half or the right half. Wouldn’t bottom right be a quarter? I’m probably over thinking this as I’m inclined to do but now I just can’t figure out where I should be looking. Hint 1 refers to “the bottom half” and hint 2 uses “quarter” but “bottom right

Don’t overdo it with the range of your garage door opener (open via phone). We were on vacation and my niece handed my brother-in-law his phone...

It may as well be colorful, over the top and fun.

Paypal signed me up for BillMeLater but I couldn’t find the actual bill, anywhere. I contacted them and they said it was covered no it’s good no need to worry. A month later the late notice made my inbox just fine.

I came here just to nominate Armageddon, how appropriate - it’s the lede!
Let’s see... the regular ol’ Space Shuttle won’t do so we made one out of metal. No wait, we made TWO! Even better, we’re going to launch them both... at the same time... right next to each other. OMFG! Cue up inappropriate Aerosmith song. Hey I

I like.

Did you really lock #53FF45?!? :-P
I played a little bit and it did a good job. Nice site.

I’d recommend this one based on the space savings alone. However, it’s also a great iron! It consistently does them right every time. It’s not complicated and it has lasted us close to a decade at this point. But I can’t put enough emphasis on the space savings.

I’d recommend this one based on the space savings alone. However, it’s also a great iron! It consistently does them

They’re not blue, they’re gold!

Greasemonkey (Firefox)

Remove the trailing ‘/’ and it’ll work.

Android doesn’t have the same kind of desktop management software that Apple has in iTunes.

I use a pattern but I also use AutomateIt to disable the lock screen when I’m connected to my home network or car bluetooth.

Worked for me in FF (37.0.2). And it works like freak’n magic!

It’s as simple as it sounds.
Just meet the three prerequisites, and follow the four-step process!
I don’t see how this is easier than just saying “navigate to...”.


I hate that everything is at the top except an occasional button at the bottom. Look at the LastPass screenshot - menu, label, search at the top, action button at the bottom. Gah I hate that! Now I find myself scanning all over the screen to find the correct menu/button.

I installed one of those "5 minute" fans a couple of summers ago and they are definitely more than 5 minutes. Even this video, with cuts, is 20m long. Don't be fooled by the 5m claim. And if your ceiling box isn't mounted to a joist then you're crawling up in the attic on a 100F day and framing in additional