
FYI: SophT is right but the process isn't straight forward. If you wanted to do the same...

I *never* use the toolbar to cut, copy, paste, move, copy, delete, rename, new folder, properties but look how much screen real estate is dedicated to buttons I will *never ever* use. The ribbon customization options have always been seriously lacking and thus make this a horrible implementation.


VOTE: IE (vs. FF), Adobe Reader (vs. PDF-XChange), iTunes (vs. WinAmp), Notepad (vs. gVim), Win Messenger (vs. Pidgin), cmd (vs. cygwin), Task Manager (vs. Process Explorer), Paint (vs. Paint.NET)

I love WinAmp because it's NOT bloated (I'm looking at you iTunes) but I agree about the updates. Every time I start it, it needs to update and other than Ninite, there is no way to automate it.

I tried the beta with the Atrix and ran into a few scanner-specific problems (which I don't remember, it's been long enough) but I'm glad to hear it's working clean now. I'll have to revisit.


We were on vacation for a week. When we came back one of our neighbors asked "how was your vacation?". We were surprised because we had done the lights-on-a-timer thing so we asked and they said they could tell because we didn't put out our garbage cans.

Our FiOS 25/25 package actually delivers 22/9. It's pretty consistent and my neighbors see the same thing. Then again, it's Frontier of Oregon where regulators have publicly stated "don't go with Frontier".

Maybe combo it with FaviconizeTab [] and AutoFaviconize with 'http:/*'. (Removed '/' so string didn't automatically become a link.)

Have you tried a 7" tablet? I find them much more manageable - I can't stand and type with a 10" tablet. Is it just me?

Are you kidding? With Giz's wall-to-wall Apple coverage when do they have time to cover WP7? Mac is all the way up to 5.4% market share! That's up 0.5% over the last two years. Giz can't miss out on that! And iOS market share is up 2.4% over the same time span! 2-point-freak'n-four percent! Soon, soon, soon


What I love is that the clouds close to the ISS are blurred because that space station is *moving* to the tune of 17,000+ mph!

I'm not buying it. I could swear I saw a human finger in there. That monkey is cheating!

Despite what the TSA says, it also helps to profile the people in line. Older people are more likely to use checks and/or coupons, families are more likely to be distracted by the kiddos, minorities are more likely to have language difficulties. On the other hand, younger people hate waiting and try to rush through,

No Tivo 2 support makes me sad. :-( I've upgraded mine a few times and it's still kicking. You would think with the (limited) web interface they have for Series 2, an app of some kind wouldn't be toooo hard.

Moved from Delicious to Diigo when Yahoo threatened to toast Delicious. Why would I want to go back?

As a previous iPhone owner I'll admit that screencaps on iOS are dirt simple. I'll also admit the only time I ever used the feature was on accident when I was trying to do a hard-restart. As a current Android user I haven't missed the feature nor do I need to do hard-restarts anymore. :-P
