
You can even fake out live attendants. I went with a friend to a fair, as we pulled up to the attendant he said "We're on the staff". She waived us through without question.

Android FTW! Suck it iOS slaves!

Moto Atrix? Tegra 2 dual-core processor @ 1GHz, 8-core GPU (kind'a), 1GB memory, 16GB storage, fingerprint scanner, qHD display.

I'll third.

I am to paper clips like Pash is to binder clips.

I've been doing this for a few years now. Works great at review time or when the manager wants a status report. It's also part of my work to-do list. As I start on something from the to-do list I cut-and-paste it into the in-progress section. Once it's complete, it moves into the accomplishments section. You

How do you know where the sweet spot is? The theory here is that you have no idea where the field is so maximizing the path of the food will increase the likelihood that it hits that sweet spot at some point.

I haven't used Springpad in a while but the last time I used it I remember there were a lot of clicks to do seemingly menial tasks. The advantage of Simplenote (as the name implies) is that it's so simple. No formatting, no clickity-clickity. Start it up, hit 'New Note' and you're running. To edit an existing

I was using Nimbuzz for a while... until I started receiving spam on the special email address I used to sign up for Nimbuzz.

I agree with everything you've said here. If I'm looking for a picture but I'm not sure where it is or I know it's online, I'll fire up JustPictures because it can access all of my pictures everywhere (and fairly seamlessly at that). If I *know* the picture is local to the phone I just fire up QuickPic.

Well said. At our company, the majority of Windows users are still on IE6 with IE8 making some inroads due to Win7. On Linux, it's primarily FF3.5. Why? Cause it works and we don't have to retest everything. A faster development and release cycle is nice for the press and tech users. Big, slow monolithic

VOTE: µTorrent

Curse you AT&T - I want Watchdog for free!

Black Wood downloaded and applied. Screw you Whitson!

Wow Brando looks like Hepburn and Loren looks like Brando and... oh wait, that's just a poorly arranged intro sentence.

My first thought when I read this article: "THE APP DID WHAT?!?".

@parabellum2000: Ditto. Joli not happy. Mint happy.

Exactly! Why dilute the sodium goodness in the water when you can eat it straight? In college, my roommates thought I was crazy... until they tried it.

@noodlescb: I too don't have any issues with Motoblur. Then again, I migrated from iOS so just putting icons where I want is pretty exciting.

I've been playing Portal 2 on a Pentium4 3GHz, 2GB, ATI Radeon x800. Ya, there's a lot I can't play on that machine, but Portal 2 is just fine. I would put it in the strategy/FPS genre. Also Left 4 Dead 2 but that's really pushing the limit of my HW, you could probably handle it, pure FPS there.