Marcus Garvey fool.
Marcus Garvey fool.
Fuck you troll.
No, but decent lip-syching skills are a plus.
Weak comment by a weak person.
Weak comment by a weak person. Would give negative stars if possible.
I got the impression that the “New School for Dance” was affiliated with the New School for Social Research - that place gives out free ride scholarships left and right, even if your grades are terrible/non-existent.
Dude, you are taking IANAL to a whole other level — in more ways than one.
Um, the XB1X is Scorpio.
Um, the XB1X is Scorpio.
Not to get all up your ass about this but your comment implies that non-CIS folks are abnormal which is extremely callous to say the least. CIS basically means that you live and identify as the biological gender you were born with.
Sometimes icing someone out is all you can do, and it’s the only thing you have left that maybe has a chance of changing anything. Do you have any idea how painful the author of this piece must have found it to do this? There’s nothing petty or manipulative about it IMO, sorry (not sorry) you can’t see that.
Actually, only governors in something like 13 states IIRC can directly issue pardons. Most states have a board setup where the governor can recommend pardons but can’t issue them themselves – the board needs to approve the pardon and then it’s issued.
“Pseudo intellectual”? Ouch, that really hurts coming from some internet rando.
An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
No, it’s just going to look like you’re coming from the IP of the last VPN you connected to. Say you connect to VPN A, then VPN B, then VPN C your IP address (as far as the outside world is concerned at least) will be the one provided by VPN C. Routing your traffic through VPN B and A is just adding latency to the…
Pence won’t read anything but Leviticus or Revelations. If they’d taped a sign saying “Whore of Babylon” to it he would have kept his hands to himself.
So unique, so edgy. Please kindly go fuck thyself.
For a supposed capitalist this is some screwy logic Chaffetz is using here. Poor people buying iPhones has a much greater positive impact on the economy than a not-poor person hoarding money in a tax shelter. Besides, an iPhone with a contract costs what, like $200 upfront? Under the GOP ‘plan’ I’d sure like to see…
But you can take comfort in the fact that there is no way in hell that Pence could get elected on his own. The only reason he’s VP is because Trump needed to shore up support with the Pentecostal wing of the GOP but without Trump the rest of the coalition that “won” the election disintegrates.
Speaking as a male-who-was-raped by another male I also have no issues whatsoever with this game, which seems harmless & in good fun w/ a healthy side of poor taste. I haven’t played it but from YouTube clips I’ve seen it doesn’t seem to glorify rape culture the way say GTA does (and FWIW I can’t ever, ever, ever…
IIRC his dad drove a truck over his head. It’s a pity he didn’t put it in reverse afterwards, but these guys never finish what they start.