Fight then fight more

Isn’t he just back on drugs?

i would still listen to these songs even if they werent funny

Now playing

They never made a complete music video for it but their Governor’s song justifies the entire existence of TWD (3:57 in video.)

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!holy fuck

Just dropped this puppy off and arranged the lower flowers and pinned up the bride’s bustle because I’m the Cool Multifunctional Cake Lady.

My Phoebe isn’t a puppy but she’s a rescue missing some teeth. She’s high energy and I was warned she chews walls when I adopted her. We run every morning on the beach and she pees on Taylor Swift’s beach house

This is Dustbunny, who on my lap watched Penn State beat Michigan State, snagging a spot in the Big Ten Championship game next weekend! Hot damn and woo hoo! I hope you feel better soon!

I’m a little stabby in the right ovary, but good otherwise. Sorry about your tummy.

I wish you a speedy recovery, this sucks. Here’s Amy in her new sweater:

I’m broke, but if I won the lotto, I think I’d donate a whole pile of money to the Innocence Project.

I think I just ate a pound of gourmet mac and cheese but you’re still making me hungry.

I’m making turkey nachos and cranberry margaritas! You know like regular nachos, but the protein is turkey.

My best friend’s son was killed in a house fire this morning - he was a sophomore at SIU and a wonderful, smart, talented, funny young man working for WSIU and studying Political Science. He would have done wonderful things. He’d already started.

I agree, guys environmental groups really need our help. See my latest comment for suggestions. (In five).

This week

Wait............. didn’t Trump say you should NEVER talk strategy?

This must be Bannon’s idea. Whatever it takes to get a Jew out of the country.