Fight then fight more

Can someone fucking tell me what the fuck is going on and how this is even remotely ok? Is this North Korea? I’m not even joking.

I orgasmed watching that. I’m horrible.

I owe you a shot.


I want to take you away from all this.

Can someone explain this Sherri Shepard thing? From what I read her ex seems like a decent guy. Am I not getting the whole story?

Ahh. That’s awesome. I would totally trust you or your husband or your pet sitter to watch my cats. I would leave a note of one of my animals may eat the other one. It’s horrible.

Yep! It’s like the first thing I would say. I would of even left a note on the dog and cat food. And door. And randomly around the house.

That’s amazing.

I remember handing a toy to my grandma. I remember the smile on her face. She died awhile back of ALS.

I know my husband loves animals. He rescues raccoons and other woodland creatures. It’s all new to me. He brought home an abandoned baby raccoon and I freaked cause I immediately thought rabies. I’m getting better at not thinking every animal is infected.

His very good friend went on his honeymoon. He had house sitted for this friend before. They are all in early 20's. Friend has a medium sized dog and a cat. Cat and dog lived happily for 5 years. No issues.

It’s so hard. Other people that love cats probably have cats. They can’t just leave their cat(s). I know my cats don’t do good with other cats or other places.

Do it. Lol. I know what you mean about traveling. my husband had a traumatic experience when he was pet sitting. This was before we met. He is now traumatized. We only let close family pet sit now. It can be hard with scheduling. The story is almost funny if it wasn’t so sad.

Hmm. I guess sort of mint but not mint. Fresh. I know some people say it tastes like soap. Maybe a tiny bit spicy but mostly fresh. Lol. I suck at description.

I’m sorry! I bet he had a good life. He looks like a sweet guy.

I have a few. I put in window. I’m in Midwest. This is my first year with a small garden. My basil and cilantro were out of control.

Ahh. Do you still have him/her? So sweet!

She was born deformed in her bottom. She is doing great now! Special diet but thats ok.

Hi. I’m moving in with you! I have two cats. Lol