Fight then fight more

Sometimes I can’t find the arrows on the floor...

I just checked on my brother, who lives in Stockholm. He says he was lucky to have escaped.

Science nerds, any conjectures about what chemical was sprayed in his face? A cyanide compound?

This was the one and only.

Bobby, PLEASE tell me you’re going to have a follow-up article entitled:

All your penis are belong to us

If I order nachos and they contain cabbage, there will be blood.

There’s a special place in my heart for people who pursue professions like Vocational Rehabilitation, Physical Therapy, and Occupational Therapy - and Nurses, always Nurses.

Why would you ungrey this piece of garbage? check out their comment history. Just dismiss this kind of asshole- it’s not worth engaging with them.

Seriously. That place is like a human-nazi-centipede.

There’s a painting of her in an attic somewhere that’s becoming more empathetic & decent.

And do it quick, because they may not even exist in another week or two.

If you want to complain about this clear violation, you can call the Office of Government Ethics at 202-482-9300. Press 5 to leave a complaint.

Families being torn apart, lives destroyed.

Hey, remember all the hysterical tantrums because Obama very occasionally took a vacation? All those people are going to be furious and outraged about this, right? Right?

If by “fresh faced,” they mean “looks like a serial killer,” then yes— yes, he is “fresh faced”

Bissonette was working alone, despite initial reports of additional shooters at the scene.

I feel you. I’ve cut about 90% of my family out of my life, probably permanently. I’m fine with someone simply not understanding something, but the aggressive, willful, gleeful stupidity drives me insane.

As another reminder of just how fucking stupid the EO is (I’ve posted numbers over on The Root as to how this does nothing), and as well as it being both unconstitutional and a massive conflict of interest for the President’s business interests... someone did a graphical breakdown for us: