
Now for the domesticated rat version:

You know you are an owner of pet rats when you see the image for the article and think "Aww, he's pretty cute."

Jesus, I forgot for a second that this play was in 2006. I would love to see a really well done movie, but a crappy movie would be super disappointing.

While I love the new Black Line of Star Wars toys, I was really frustrated that the first Lei figure we got was Slave Leia. The first Luke toy? X-Wing Pilot. The first Han Solo? Iconic New Hope outfit. Leia? Slave Leia. Really? Really?

I'll just wait for my Hoth outfit, Leia, thank you very much. Or even better, the

It could be worse. They could have replaced your butt pintrest with pictures of repurposed mason jars. *shudder*

How dare people have fun while running by wearing whatever makes them feel good/happy/excited! The very nerve.

SELF is clearly on my BS Meter.

For anyone curious, this is Ansel and his Cronut at MoMA's Rain Room exhibition last summer.

But will he take pictures of it in an art instillation at a major museum? WILL HE?

Aww, I love snakes. They're so cool.

Really? That's really dismissive of you then. I feel bad that you have such a limited view of what art is.

That's a great video and you guys sound fucking fantastic. I also love how the snake's scales look in black and white.

You clearly don't play video games.

Yep. It was called the BAMM automat. It was rather delicious, but that space is cursed and no business can really stay open in there for more than a couple of years. I still miss the Vietnamese sandwich place that moved in there after BAMM.

The majority of these were available at the bodega down the block from my middle school at lunch for cheap cheap cheap prices, and considering we were allowed to leave the building during lunch the place was always packed with twelve year olds seeking their next sugar high.

My brain went "Huggs? What's huggs? *looks at picture* Ohhhhh, quarter water."

Ahahahaha. Best thing ever.

Well said.

Take it away, J-man.

Yes, although this was not that time. I alerted the security guard because I saw over his shoulder what was going on (we were chatting, he was a friend of mine). Unfortunately the way that gallery is shaped it's really hard to see all of it at once, but only one guard gets posted there.

Lots of little kids try to