Wait, you mean I finally have a real reason to dislike Boston, other than my baseball team? Dammit, MA. I didn't want to actually dislike you.
Why on god's green earth do you care what black women do with their hair, then? Not. Your. Business.
Missing a period. You had the comma earlier. You were so close, Biebs.
They expect it to be a donutwalk, actually.
I'm normally the kind of person who will try anything once (tried head cheese when I was little, so yep, aspic is the devil's vomit). No matter what you said to me I could not would not try balut. Just.... No....
Mmmm... cucumber yogurt....
There's a Ukranian restaurant in NYC that makes a chilled cucumber soup in the summer that tastes just like tzatziki (but isn't as thick). It's delicious.
I remember going to see this with some friends thinking it was going to suck and then loving the crap out of it. I should give it a rewatch.
Just wait for next month's issue. "50 ANIMAL BITES TO SPICE UP YOUR SEX LIFE."
and nobody, not even Cosmo editors, finds it sexy to get bitten on the ass in mid-coitus by a raccoon.
I think surgical intervention is a great idea! She can get her fingers surgically attached together so she can't type anymore. Isn't surgery great?
Wow, that is super scummy. Sounds like your boss wasn't the best person either. Did you ever try to switch with someone when having to serve them?
I think I discovered the only woman in the world with a cockroach fetish.
Yeah, I gave a big ol' eye roll at that one.
Sigh. And of course the "gross, mean, bad" people in the Jimmy Kimmel bit were overweight.
I love love love how Amy Adam's looks. That dress is great.
I always like the solid color dresses. They're understated but when done right they're just stunning.
I love Amy Adam's dress so much.
I love Viola Davis' dress. It's gorgeous.
Aww, thanks. We're not quite there yet, but we're working on it (I'm hearing back about grad school soon, fingers crossed!).
I was sucked into Cinder way more than I was expecting to be. The only reason I haven't started the second book yet is because I'm waiting on my paycheck.
Are there dragons? Check. Magic? Check. Monsters? Check. Fuck you, it's fantasy.