Hey, handmade card and spending time on the phone telling your mom how awesome she is sounds pretty good to me. You could even get her friends in on it by asking them to e-mail her about how awesome she is!
Best thing I read today.
Also, everyone please speculate wildly so if she does see this, it'll be really confusing! :D
I would say, but my Mom reads Jezebel, so she might see this! (I will say, I called in a favor to get tickets to something awesome that she's been wanting to see.)
Thanks, hon. <3 I also used to go for free in High School all the time. And even after, before I worked there, I would never pay that much for reasons of also being broke (the boy, who was always broker than i, always paid the full amount when we went on dates there though, god bless him). I always tell people who…
Beat me to it. Instead, I'll just leave this Kate Beaton link right..... here.
I'm really glad you had a great time! I know for me (I work Visitor Services— used to work Information, now Admissions) one of the best parts of my job is interacting with the kids and getting to see their reactions to art. Kids react so honestly and without any pretensions.
As for who's worse, it depends. Some days…
Dude, I'm aware it's not a perfect nor sense-making fantasy. I was just joking around.
True. I just want to see NBC grovel.
Female fencers wear something like that, only it's only on the front:
Dude, you'd be surprised at the fuckery that goes on all the time there for any museum employee that has to deal with visitors. I've been called a nazi (for, y'know, insisting that someone pay something for admission which is museum policy) and other rude things. I've also got a buddy who got smacked by a visitor…
A lot of my friends at the Met are security guards. They probably did try to stop her, but they're not actually allowed to touch people unless they're about to harm another person.
I can also see some the guards looking at that and going: "NOPE! NOT TOUCHING THAT ONE!"
Now give Dan Harmon a job again, and have him come up with a new show. That + Parks and Rec will make me the happiest gal in the world.
Looove Fables. Actually got to meet and chat with the author the other day at a comics festival in Portland. He's a big sweetheart, and really funny.
I will admit though, I felt like the story should have ended at vol. 11 when they beat [redacted for spoilers if anyone hasn't read them]. The book has felt kind of…
I also giggled for a good five minutes over THORoughly.
Oh man, I loved that Goku/Supes fight. It was a lot of fun. JLU also has one of my favorite Superman moments ever ("World of Cardboard" speech. Oh my god.)
Alright, here are three books for those newer to Superman:
I'm hoping since Thor 2 is going to be mostly set not on Earth that we'll have more Sif. She's a total bad-ass.
Okay, anyone who says Superman is a bland character just hasn't read the right Superman comics. He's actually a really wonderful character, and if written by the right person, incredibly complex. I'd be more than happy to recommend some titles if anyone is interested!
:( I liked Thor....