
You know who are even bigger assholes than “Bernie Bros”? Idiots that still blame Bernie for Hillary’s loss.

They would need to pay them, since the producer of Axanar spent all the Kickstarter and Indiegogo money on himself and never actually cast key roles or started production. Speaking of things that were “never intended to BE made”, fans who paid for Axanar got suckered into supporting the lifestyle of a wannabe

Yeah. No way he got it before DS2 blew up. But... I could possibly buy him returning to Endor long after the fact and searching for it using the Force. That assumes that the crystals are basically indestructible and would remain (even if the surrounding lightsaber was destroyed). Could be in an orbital debris field,

Some people’s complaints stemmed from Marvel systematically killing or benching the older characters in favour of the newer ones. Hard to not call it a purge.
- Banner’s dead
- Tony’s in a coma
- Logan’s dead (sorta? old man’s still around I guess)
- Hank Pym is Ultron
- Nick Fury Sr. is on the moon
- Cyclops is dead/now a

You missed the part where they instruct you to cut the bag open after use, put the used pulp in your compost, rinse the bag and put it in a box so you can save them up and mail them back to the company for recycling.

Secret Wars was a brilliant event because it worked on so many different levels. If you read only the main series it worked. If you read various battle ground titles it worked. If you read Johnathan Hickman’s FF run, Avengers run, and Secret Wars, it was a masterful epic. To me, that event showed how to do event

I had a similar idea but with time traveling instead of an alternate Earth.. You start with the FF existing as scientists/explorers in the late 50s or early 60s. They can fit into the MCU’s timeline between Captain America and Hank-Pym. at a certain point they enter the negative zone, and they emerge from it in 2020,

Not bad. Would certainly blow audiences’ minds, and give a nice explanation as to why the F4 feels a little throwback. Having said that, it might take some time before we can get general audiences used to the idea of alternate universes.

“People who gave up their humanity to save their planet was always very interesting to me, ...”

Virtually every genre can be boiled down to a few key elements. A mystery novel sets up a mystery, and then tells us whodunnit at the end. That’s not a damning indictment of mysteries, and knowing that those parameters almost certainly will be met doesn’t tell us anything useful about the quality of the writing or the

Maybe I’m just not a traditional millennial, but I’ve always looked at vacations and trips and the like as, “if I can’t afford to go, then I guess I won’t.” If you can’t afford to stay in Manhattan (just like I couldn’t afford to stay in the heart of London), then you can either A) not go, or B) find a place further

Except this isn’t about your home, it’s about apartments, about rentals, about skyrocketing rent and stagnant wages, and AirBnB abusing both for profit at the expense of safety.

As an attorney who has actually worked with some AirBnb hosts for compliance purposes, I say good. There’s virtually no regulation on AirBnb and they are unfairly competing with hotels.

I think it’s only fair that if he’s taking over as Commissioner Gordon, Marvel should get Gary Oldman for JJJ.

A lot of the people who work on any film are artists, from the director on down. Generally if you work in filmmaking then it’s because you want to create things, whether they’re stories or characters or costumes. And if you want to create things then you don’t want to simply reuse the same ideas over and over.

While Hollywood is all about crass commercialization, that’s actually typically not true. The most common reason they change things is because:

It’s not about defending illegal immigration it’s about the fact that expending resources tracking down, detaining and transporting mostly people who aren’t posing any threat and are contributing to the economy of their communities doesn’t benefit anybody. If they want to stem the influx of illegal immigrants they

That’s Copyright, mostly, which is an entirely different thing. Sure, you can lose a Trademark the same way, but Trademarks, unlike Copyright, have a context within which they are enforceable.

From what I’ve seen written by lawyers about this that don’t have an axe to grind or job to justify as well as an IP attorney I’ve spoken to, that’s a bit of a myth. It would have it be in a confusing use, like mentioned above, naming some game Cyberpunk xxxx. Some companies (like Monster cables suing go

This is what happens when you simplify things to a moronic childish level. Government bloat?? Hiring freeze, problem solved. Terrorists problem, keep out Muslims! Problem solved. Simple minded lunacy that just creates chaos.