
You see, not really, the war was going to happen anyhow. If they had actually listened to her the war probably wouldn’t have happened. her ship had a tactical advantage and would have responded in a way that the Vulcans have shown elicits grudging respect from the Klingons and keeps them from escalating hostilities.

Sometimes io9 has to go out of it’s way to be snarky and dismissive of Discovery. I’m confused as to why this it feels so far fetched for Michael Burnham to become a captain in a fictional universe known for forgiving law breakers that it merits an article.

Another piece taking a lazy dig at Discovery on io9, today must end in a ‘Y’.

buddy just a quick and simple concept for you: if you use the term ‘vagina rage’, you probably aren’t that reasonable

I’m just kind of amazed no one made the obvious connection of having Wonder Woman use some kind of prototype Amazon tablet.

“I think it’s a safe assumption that Carol Danvers’ role won’t amount to a tenth as much as what Spider-Man’s role will be.”

Superior Spider-Man was f’n great.

And any image of said patches would inspire people to seek out the only one for sale, the original. The only people making money off the fake patches are the people selling the original.

Judge not Leste ye be judged.

The problem is not with the characters, who are wonderful and iconic. The problem is that DC movies are made by people who made fun of other kids for reading comics when they were in junior high.

Executive producer credits on TV shows are different than on movies. They have much more creative say on a television show.

Marvel is going to promote this as much as they do the Netflix shows and Agents of SHIELD

well, there’s ep’s and then there’s ep’s.

Which one should I read again? Or should I go break into the bagged and boarded ones?

Fuck off. Trump got elected because 20% of this country are inbred hicks and another 20% will vote Republican no matter what.

I’m still only about six episodes in, but to be honest, whether intentional or not, Finn Jones’ stilted acting kinda works for me. I mean, Danny is written to be a naive dolt who grew up in a remote monastery and now wants to try to run with NYC bigshots—of course he’s going to come across as somewhat dull and

Man, the Danny Rand hate is getting old. Was it perfect? No. But Danny wasn’t really the problem. Iron Fist felt super rushed all over and except the Meachums and Gao, everyone was bad. Even Claire was bad. And Colleen Wing was hands down the worst character in the show.

I’m replying to get you out of the shadows so you can be ridiculed by the masses.

it only makes us ignore you

God is a car and his son is the Jesus Chrysler