
I liked it, personally. It had its flaws, but it had its good points too.

I don’t believe I’ve seen it mentioned here, but despite all of the negative reviews of Iron Fist, it was apparently Netflix’s most binge-watched 2017 show, and their second biggest Marvel premiere.

It means they want to take a property that looks incredibly dated, and remake it so it will become instantly dated.

Well, for some of us with pretty delicate skin ‘exfoliate’ = raw, peeling, misery quickly followed by an oil slick as my body tries to protect its damaged skin by dumping oil out every poor. And, the whole ‘lotion’ is BS for me, at least, as most ‘lotion’ is actually mainly water that dries my skin out more and

as Watchmen proved Snyder can do superheroes in an ensemble (and yes, I know many people had issues with Watchmen, but I think it’s an almost perfect movie in its original, theatrical cut - but perhaps I’m just a crazy guy who never read the source funny books) engagingly.

“So, what is this, Iron Man 4? In the other movies and comics Peter Parker didn’t need any help, at least until later in his career.”

Sorry, incorrect. His name derives from the German pronunciation.

*Sigh* A quick Google search would confirm that Aquaman’s trident in the comics has multiple prongs. Also, people talking shit about a sea-dweller wearing full armor, considering he’s always worn a chainmail top in comics seems like smack talk for the sake of smack talk.

Yeah but it would deprive us of one of the best dynamics in the history of comics. So no. I liked what Jones did with Danny

More likely I expect people didn’t look past the window dressing, or their own preconceived notions, and just dismissed everything.

Honestly I could have done without the love story, it was unnecessary and distracting. No reason they couldn’t have been friends and partners in martial arts, the sex was unnecessary.

But... you still should its actually pretty good.

You may not get the bond of brotherhood thing, but as someone who grew up around the military - that level of companionship is not homoerotic or anything close. That is something I have seen in soldiers who have been through a lot together; a bond of shared experience. If you see any subtext, you are adding it

“Nothing will stop racism”

Well in the comics both characters use the same form of expressive ‘eyes’, it’s a running gag that Spider-Man and Deadpool have similar costumes.

Thought on reading title : “no way!”

I’m only a tiny cog in the wheel, however, I guarantee you’re going to see some fall out.

Shame on you for reminding the world of Adam-X... however... if they cast Andrew WK for it, I would absolutely watch it.

He was also a child who never had someone to teach him otherwise. He spent the entirety of his formative years just learning martial arts.

Introduced a female character with agency: Good!