
You’re quite the condescending fucker, aren’t you? I knew after I read the article that the intent was to drink this stupid shit, but I can still see how it could easily be interpreted otherwise, particularly on a cursory read. But keep feeling all smug and full of yourself and, you know, maybe go fuck a hot tailpipe

That still doesn’t clearly state that the sunscreen is meant to be taken by mouth for it to work. It can still easily be read that it’s a topical sunscreen that can also be imbibed.

Read it again. It doesn’t state that you need to drink it to apply it. Honest mistake that I had assumed as well until I read this comment thread.

Also CanadaArm2 which serves the ISS. It has the unique capability to move itself around the station inch-worm style. Either end can be the base, so it can move from one anchor point to another. (Or can attach to the Mobile Servicing System which is a small trolley system to reach the far ends of the main truss.)

Aaand this is why all the NeckTubeBeards don’t fucking get that shit like what Pewdiepie jokes about matters, because he is literally inundating the minds of preteen children with bigotry and normalizing talking about raping women as a sort of good chuckle. He is showing them that talking about “burning all the Jews”

I recently visited my girlfriend’s aunt, uncle and her nephews - the kids are the only ones who play video games in their whole family so I have a pretty good rapport with them. We’re sitting there chatting about stupid little kid stuff (they’re 9 and 11) and they start talking about bashing Jews and laughing about

“All of Kjellberg’s sponsors dumped him for bad anti-semitic humor but millions of kids with a dumbed down half-formed concept of comedy that tends to be insensitive to bigotry watch him therefore it’s not bad and you are being a comedy prig.”

Aaaaaand you missed the point. It doesn’t matter what I find funny. Some people find preschool-level satire funny. Most people do not.

The notion that people aren’t getting it is wrong. The intellectual level of his joke is that of a 3 year old. It’s preschool-quality satire.

Whoa there. That is a nasty fucking dig. There isn’t a race issue with Iron Fist. It was a non-issue turned into an issue by the blogosphere. Supporting a lead that matches the source doesn’t equate to anyone being a fucking Trump voter. Way to be a divisive dick though.

I use to live abroad (yes I am an American), and I can tell you that America and its system is built to keep its citizens from desiring to look elsewhere. This is going to hurt a lot of folks feelings but our nation is just another country and it is far from great. There are other countries doing great things that are

This single minded “what have you done for me” attitude is fucking selfish and shows that you do not give a shit about any of your fellow citizens. Society works when people take care of and look out for one another, when you only look out for yourself you are not part of a community. What was it that JFK said “My

republicare, let them die with this atrocity

As long as you can get American soldiers killed, you will always have defenders, because there will always be people who think saying that American soldiers were sent somewhere to die for no good reason is more offensive than sending American soldiers somewhere to die for no good reason.

You know, most women seem to strongly want more communicative men, and you are strangely scoffing at men who are opening communication.

Its not always clear with some women. One long time partner of mine would be relatively quiet and then get really loud when orgasming... my next long term partner the opposite, very vocal in the build up but almost silent in the moment.

I get the sense that most men like more or less the same thing, and women tend to


Okay, here is a probably futile attempt to adjust your perspective: Any discourse within a certain system, in this case political discourse in a constitutional republic, needs to adhere to the principles of its underlying structure. The current idiology of conservative extremism tries to dismantle the system, not

Terrorism needs a motive to strike terror into a populace for political purposes.

You spelled lions wrong.