
Socialism is about democratic control of the means of production. Reducing it to a “you” and “I” framework is silly, incorrect, and fundamentally ignorant of the “social” part of socialism.

Healthcare in America does have some issues, like infinitely long waits for non-critical surgeries for poor and lower middle class people since they can’t afford it.

Physical acting is one of the most difficult things you can do. Have you recognized Doug Jones in any of his many roles without dialogue? No, you haven’t, because he’s damn good at what he does. Same for Mayhew. The way he moved informed the character. And I highly doubt you could do the same, much less stumble,

It’s quite telling that you ignore what this woman went through to push through some conspiracy as to why people have the audacity to criticize a company.

You obviously understand the role of HR. HR had legal responsibilities to investigate claims of sexual harassment, not just say they’d give someone a “stern talking to.” If they don’t, such as in this case, they set the company up for expensive lawsuits.

“soft core leftist politics porn”

“from the purported leader of the free world”

Don’t forget how little was done for schools over the last 8 years.

I agree, the Allred’s do incredible, iconic work. The X-Statix Omnibus will always be one of my most prized collections.

The contamination isn’t that big an issue. A blast (like the initial explosion here, or a nuke) can scatter lots of dust and particles that are radioactive and need cleaned from things to decontaminate them.. But the mere act of being exposed to radiation doesn’t make the robot radioactive. I’m sure they have some

Morrison did something different and interesting and divisive; Whedon did some fairly standard X-Men stuff, but the quality of it was extremely high.

They changed the “branding” because research revealed that the original term was not the best descriptor. The amazing thing about science is that it is willing/required to change in the face of new information.

There’s LITERALLY NO MENTION OF CLIMATE CHANGE in the article. Just read the freaking words on the page.

I bet you’re really popular around the office.

I think what Boseman is reacting to in his interpretation is that Black Panther has a different set of priorities than the ones we usually ascribe to superheroes. Because of his status as the monarch of a distinctly non-American sovereign nation, Panther doesn’t really ascribe to the whole “truth, justice and the

I’m sorry to say that I’m not feeling that Wonder Woman trailer. I don’t get all the hype. I mean, the lasso CG looked horrible, and all the slo-mo fight scenes seem like more of the same Snyder-style cinematography they’ve been doing.

I dunno. I get your point that we know about things that happened far away, but we didn’t know as fast, and I’ll see your fairly tame magazine cover and raise you cell phone footage of some guy plowing a truck into a bunch of people in France.

Oh good lord, he was shooting from the hip with the “100 year” remark. Make that 200 years and he’s spot on, it’s just for a man his age, 100 years ago is somewhat framed from the perspective of his youth, which the 1850's WOULD have been a valid comparison. I still can’t get over the fact that I’m nearing 40, it

Novak, you dumbass.