
its a reference to Heavy Metal magazine in the 70s and the movies of the same name. video games took that look afterwords. Heavy metal represents every note they are trying to hit with thor in the marvel universe, from sci-fi adventure to mythology to partially dressed people cleaving eachother. its on point

You are certainly entitled to your wrong opinion. That logo is fucking great.

It’s not essentially the same picture, because Superman’s face is clearly visible, even if the whole thing is desaturated of both colour and joy. He’s looking directly at the viewer.

Why is Arthur wearing the Tick’s costume? Surely, that weak-chinned man is not playing the Tick.

This is REALLY bad. Really overproduced. Musculature looks like rubber abs from a 80's Batman movies, except made from grade-school rubber cement painted blue. Gloves look like he should start washing dishes. Cowl makes whoever is inside look like a feeble old actuary put on a superhero costume that did not belong to

Not me individually, but they also understand game feel and the importance of fine control with games like Mario. You cannot create good games for a platform using accessories that are not common to all devices. That is why the GamePad was shipped with the Wii U and why Kinect was originally shipped with the XBox

“Me dont like pokemon go and me dont get why other likes, so me mature people and the rest is bunch of freaky freaks so let me write an article so they know that”

Didn't you just post an article about not being a dick to Pokemon players because it makes you look like a petty asshat?

There is a clear correlation between low intelligence and religiosity. However, there are always exceptions. I have a few friends that are otherwise pretty smart, yet still believe in religious nonsense. In these cases it seems most likely that they simply haven’t really thought it through—possibly intentionally—or

No, those questionable decision making skills were there all along.

That is self confirmation bias. We assume that A) we are important enough to contact and B) it took us so long to evolve and we’ve only been here as an “advanced” species for 135 years, therefore it must be exceedingly rare.

There was an article the other day about how comics sales are stronger than they’ve been since something like 1997.

The multiplication of these various heroic legacies makes business sense as it broadens demographic appeal and seemingly suggests new directions for film adaptations as actors age or opt out of their roles.

Simon Pegg, gentle sentients: on the one hand he gives us a pseudo-scientific explanation, completely in keeping with what we have come to expect from the many iterations of this beloved franchise, as to the how of these developments, in order to satisfy those who find such things important.

No this is his lane, but it’s ok to disagree.

How about we let him actually appear for more than two minutes at a time and develop one?

It’s funny because NASA used metric for the moon landings.

Are you trying to determine if he’s a replicant?

The funny thing is although there are people who see the last several years as Cyclops slowly turning into a villain, or as simple character assassination by the various writers/editors involved, there’s ALSO a large contingent of fans who have appreciated his transition towards being one of the MU’s resident

What kills me though is that the last issue of Uncanny X-Men (before Secret Wars in the timeline) looked to be one of redemption for Cyclops, where he peaceably led the largest gathering of mutants in Washington DC. But then it ends, and it’s all like “Cyclops is dead, and he was a terrorist, and he’s the reason that