
Another quote that deserves to be enshrined alongside Baldwin’s and reflects a synergistic problem:

When a personal belief stays personal, it doesn’t bug me at all. Its when the personal belief starts influencing environmental and political policies, education, and the welfare of others that I have an issue. Separation of church and state! Allowing choice for abortion permits everyone to follow their own beliefs,

Oh my god. Okay. So if I say “the 300 is fiction,” I don’t mean “the 300 Spartans never fought at Thermopylae.” I mean that it is more fiction than reality. The ark is fiction.

A large percentage of people believe God created life on earth

I would actually be fine if Crossbones kept coming back, angrier and more vengeful each time, only to lose more and more body parts and skin every time he does so.

“Is that ethos the core of Batman, though?"

That’s like saying that because the Wolverine movie crew decided to make Deadpool into a mute Weapon-X, we should accept that as a valid reimagining of the character, even though they got the core of the character horribly wrong.

That’s too harsh in my opinion. Every band has their gimmicky style. While, I can respect not liking their music, calling their work “repetitive mediocrity” when the amount of effort, hard work, and dedication that goes into each one of their videos is second to no other band, is just too bitter for me. That’s like

I guess in lieu of making something people actually like, you can intentionally under-perform and call it really edgy satire. I know when I’m insecure about the results of my efforts, I sometimes self-sabotage them - for example, if I’m making a piece of functional furniture and I want it to turn out way better than I

To those saying “Tech Changes”. I’m fine with that when the change is an improvement. This is not an improvement. A set of headphones is made of speakers, wires and a connector. Sometimes they also include an amp or crossover. Changing the connector to a propitiatory style isn’t improvement, it’s an effort to control

The floppy disk comparison is so dumb and the fact that it keeps getting used willy-nilly is so dumb. What exactly are the improvements in audio performance that’s anywhere near comparable to the improvements that CD drives and flash drives offer over the floppy disk?

He offered a service... the people signed up for it... he didn’t invade people’s privacy... they willfully gave it away and continue to give it away. GTFOOH and take responsibility for YOUR actions.

Yes, it is his property. But there is such thing as the public good and generally speaking just because you buy a piece of property doesn’t mean you can do whatever you want with it. HOA’s, county city and state ordinances, various environmental regulations, etc.. this is plenty of precedent that says that owning a

Hey, why are you throwing around personal insults? There are kids reading this. Do you want them to think it’s okay to insult random people you don’t know on the internet? Man, you’re a bad role model.

They do? Also, I promise you they’ve heard them all. Don’t need you to protect them.

Better be careful, the prudes will descend on this thread to shame you for fucking using that word.

Holy fuck, this is fucking amazing. I fucking love Jupiter.

yeah. if you really still wanted the national prestige angle, you could have a different country fund it every cycle, and then that country gets to plan shit and do the ceremonies, but yeah in terms of facilities? build them in Greece and call it a day.

I think it’s time for all nations that want to participate in the Olympics to pony up a few dollars, euros, pounds, shekels, rupees, etc. and give them to Greece, where a permanent dedicated Olympic Village will be built. Greece has no money, but they can donate land. Building it will help the Greek economy. (Why