
No borders sounds pretty utopian to me. I’d even argue that it’s necessary for a true utopia.

A John Stewart/Guy Gardner buddy cop style Green Lantern movie would be the greatest thing ever.

Calling it now: they’re going to try to have sex in space.

I’d like them to go with a Wolverine that’s more in line with the original comics version of Wolverine. By that I mean someone who is not 6+ feet tall and ruggedly handsome.

So physical acting isn’t hard, but you need formal training to do it? Riiiiight.

Actually the current pope doesn’t use a bulletproof car anymore.

Perhaps, but the potential charges for doing so grossly outweigh the benefits. Like, jamming signals is already super illegal, and the way these things are classified you’d be charged with trying to shoot down a commercial aircraft if you went that route. Not exactly worth it when you consider that most packages will

Maybe the reason we’ve all heard the HR horror stories is because “HR dept resolves problem fairly and to everyone’s satisfaction” is not newsworthy.

People do describe the middle ground, and the opposition ignores the nuance and shouts “COMMUNISM! SOCIALISM!”.

Bendis’ Namor is pretty good, but Hickman’s Namor (and the Namor/Black Panther rivalry) in his Avengers run is amazing.

Why would they do that? Don’t they have to pay the distributor a cut of the ticket sales? Unless things work fundamentally differently in Chinese cinemas, inflating the box office numbers would just mean they’d need to pay the distributor more, but they wouldn’t be making any more money.

On the one hand I think people should be forgiven for things if they show genuine remorse and take steps to correct their behavior. On the other hand Mel Gibson could probably never work again and still live more comfortably than most people, so why not give some of the limited number of big-budget Hollywood directing

Hahaha, wtf are you on about? People criticized Trudeau’s campaign for being TOO sunny and refusing to attack his opponents. I never heard anyone calling for Harper to be jailed, I don’t even know what you’d charge him with. If they did call for it, it certainly wasn’t because Trudeau was encouraging it like Trump

See, the problem with the progressive states seceding from the union is that you’ve then just left the world’s most powerful military and nuclear arsenal entirely in the hands of the red states.

Are you seriously saying that Trudeau was elected as “Canada’s Trump”? Because that is the most goddamn asinine thing I’ve heard all day, not only because he literally has the opposite stance of Trump on nearly every social issue imaginable, but also because he was elected back when people thought Trump was the kind

They should use Deadpool as jumping of point only insofar as we should start a new series of films with the X-men fully formed. Maybe we even start it off with the main team returning from whatever mission they were on which left Colossus and Negasonic Teenage Warhead alone in the mansion, and throw in a couple

He is worrying about Canada. In case you didn’t read the article, or have literally no understanding of what a nuclear war entails, a nuclear conflict anywhere on the globe could seriously fuck things up for all of us. When you have the power to destroy the whole world, it becomes the whole world’s problem.

I don’t think he’ll personally do something that will kill us all, but there have been times in history when the fate of the entire world has hinged on the President’s response to a catastrophic situation. I have very little hope if such a situation ever pops up again.

Nope. There were a few non-mutants in the Dark X-men, like Mimic for example. It was around that time that Dr. Nemesis actually analysed Cloak & Dagger’s DNA and determined definitively that they were not mutants. Before that it was left somewhat ambiguous.

Actually Cloak & Dagger are mutates, not mutants. They were in a bit of grey area when they first were introduced, but over the last few years there have been several instances where they’ve definitively said they’re not mutants.