
What are you talking about? Jill Stein is going through the proper channels to initiate a recount. She made a claim and is taking valid steps within the system to test that claim. If we were accepting what she says as truth with no proof we would be throwing the election results out with no recount.

That’s not actually true though. If you’re a man in the film business you can make several flops and still get hired. If a woman makes one unsuccessful film she will basically never be hired again and be relegated to directing commercials and random episodes of TV series’. I am personally friends with many people in

I think this is part of the problem, though (the relentless moneymaking, I mean). Marvel is incredibly shitty when it comes to creators rights. Why would any writer want to create the next big superhero, when it will be 100% owned by Disney and make them millions upon millions of dollars, while the creator still gets

Alpha Flight is actually pretty experienced with space travel. One of their classic storylines involves them dealing with this alien race (called the Plodox, I think?) and they eventually travel to the Plodox homeworld. (Although, depending on how you interpret their continuity and they weird ways they’ve brought back

Actually Laura has the same number of claws as wolverine, she just has one on each foot instead of having them all on her hands. Also her healing factor is much faster than wolverine’s, as she only has adamantium on her claws whereas wolverine’s skeleton is slowly poisoning him and bogging down his healing powers.

I don’t get why people are so adamant about making big connections between the shows. I honestly think fun little references tossed in now and again are the best way to go. I mean, crossovers turn the comics into an utter mess more often than not and are generally only done to pull in more readers at the expense of a

It’s actually pretty true to the comics. After OG Nick Fury left they’ve basically been throwing random characters at the SHIELD directorship and seeing what sticks. Hell, they even put Norman Osborn, a legitimate felon and clinically diagnosed nutcase, in charge for a while.

Actually, while your husband is correct that it’s mostly a shot for shot remake of the book, the critics are also correct in that it somehow manages to miss the entire point of the Watchmen graphic novel. Watchmen is supposed to be a deconstruction of a lot of superhero tropes, and while it is pretty violent, it’s

Honestly, I’d rather Nintendo didn’t try to compete with Sony and Microsoft. We don’t need 3 companies putting out slight variations of the same thing, all of which are inferior to a half-decent PC. Nintendo is in the business of making fun stuff, not seeing how much processing power they can cram in a box at a $600

I’m ok with not introducing another alien race that looks exactly like humans.

Am I the only one who is bothered by the absolute dumpster-fire that is Cyborg’s costume? Maybe the CG is still unfinished, but it looks like something created on a late 90's TV budget, not something that will be in probably the most expensive movie of the year.

Man, there’s something really sad about a middle-aged man trying to prove his point about the logo of a Thor movie by resorting to grade-school level taunting.

I think their seriousness is understandable, especially considering the origins of Luke and Danny. What I really want to see is their awesome bromance making them both lighten up a bit once they meet in/before Defenders. It’d make for a nice character arc.

For a second I thought maybe it would be a sort of parody on the general trend of needlessly over-texturing superhero costumes these days, but man it just looks terribly made. Like, it doesn’t even look like they fitted him properly.

Man, the music in the trailers is what bugs me the most. It’s like they’re trying to invoke Guardians of the Galaxy, but went with the safest music choices possible.

Can’t say as I’m a fan, really. I know Doom has been different since Secret Wars, but true Doom would never base his suit on someone else’s design, let alone become the “new Iron Man”.

They didn’t. No legendaries have been found/released. Anyone who tries to tell you otherwise is full of it.

Except inconsistent characterization is the only thing that Bendis is consistent with.

My problem is that when someone would get all bent out of shape about increased diversity, in the past we could rightfully tell them they’re being silly because it’s not like anything is being taken away from them.

This is kind of the Avenger’s M.O. though. They probably never had to fight the X-men, but Captain America just HAD to show up on the shore of their sovereign nation with an invisible helicarrier full of people ready to kick the shit out of their friends if they don’t obey Cap’s orders. They’ve been kind of