
I think the most inexplicable change made by Flashpoint was turning the Question from a modern-day detective into an ancient magical being.

As much as I dislike Snyder, Goyer was a much bigger problem when it came to the scripts. That dude just misunderstood the characters on a fundamental level. Heinberg is a great writer who has done some of my favourite comics, so that makes me a little hopeful for this movie.

I honestly don’t understand this view. It’s more like everyone else is going insane while Cyclops remains a pragmatist.

Some would argue that the fact that the older generations are getting on-board is exactly why it’s doomed. Kids don’t want their parents watching their stories or sending them snaps.

In general, pretty much all evidence says that the biggest factor determining your socioeconomic class is whatever class your parents were in. Doesn’t matter what choices you make, for the most part, all that matters is if Daddy had money.

Totally agree. I dropped pretty much every Marvel book after Secret Wars, because essentially every plot thread I was following or invested in has been tossed aside and forgotten about. Nothing matters anymore (well, everything matters less than it did before), and Marvel just keeps reinforcing that point by pulling

Except he never did anything particularly bad and consistently said he had nothing against humans, he just was going to focus on protecting mutants because there were already like 100 super-teams protecting humans. That’s the worst part of it all. Cyclops did nothing wrong and people constantly talk about him like

Vancouver broke even a couple years back, and we’ve got a ton of great infrastructure from it that still gets a lot of use, so I’d say we came out ahead overall.

Well, yeah, most people don’t know what the fuck they’re talking about and democracy is only good if the voting goes the right way. If the US voted to put gay people to death, would that be a good example of democracy? Tyranny of the majority is a real thing, and the majority is dumb as shit.

The characters are all made into sexy badasses when the entire point is that they aren’t. Here’s a good example: When Rorschach is being chased by police he jumps out of a 2nd or 3rd story window. In the comic he wrecks his ankle and gets caught because that’s what happens when you jump out a window like a lunatic. In

The Watchmen manages the distinct feat of being an almost shot-for-shot remake of the book (other than the ending), and yet somehow completely misses the point of the book on almost every level.

“This is the stuff the space shuttle uses to prevent from burning up on reentry.”

Maybe this is weird, but I’ve always imagined Lobo as Michael Keaton in a ridiculous amount of fake muscles, doing his Beetlejuice role.

This is hilarious because in comics killing off a character is usually seen as a cynical cash grab. Though to be fair, there’s nothing inherently “artistic” about killing characters. It can be just as much of a cop-out as anything else on this list. A good way to inject some cheap emotion, without necessarily earning

He looks like a running shoe.

The fact that they’re looking at Daniel Way’s Deadpool in any sort of positive light so worrying.

Pretty sure Age of Ultron takes place between IM3 and Civil War and Tony has at least one suit that he uses in that, plus he had time to make the whole “Iron Legion” so I’m sure he has a ton of suits stashed away somewhere. He also implied that Pepper left him because he couldn’t stop being Iron Man, which means he

Honestly, Bucky is in no state to be in a relationship with anyone. The dude has so much mental programming that he volunteered to just be frozen again because he can’t trust his own brain. The last 50 years have been essentially a murder-filled blur for him, and people want Cap to just be like “Good to have you back,

I feel like forcing your kid to go into the family business is just about the worst thing you could do for someone. All that pressure, and there’s pretty much no way you’ll ever live up to the legacy of the person who founded the company.

Also we’ve had essentially 3 Death Stars so far. I wouldn’t blame someone for thinking they’re trying to steal the plans for yet another new one.