
I don’t think things are nearly as dire as you seem to think they are. Film Festivals are thriving and full of exactly the kind of nuanced, adult-oriented stuff you’re looking for. Like, obviously the movies with $500mil budgets will be made to appeal to the lowest common denominator and you’ll see them advertised

The Babadook was good, but the prospect of being a single mother to a little shit of a child was significantly more terrifying than any supernatural horrors they could have conceived.

I wonder if N52 Supes turning into some kind of sand/stone statue is a nod to the fact that classic Superman is actually probably some weird sand-based clone. Honestly, the only reason I’m excited to have him back is that now there’s the potential for some writer to explore that weird plot point further.

From what I’ve heard, this module is actually significantly more resistant to damages because of its flexibility.

It doesn’t necessarily mean we’ll never get Enchantress, though. It just means she wont be part of this particular story. I feel like she’d be a great villain for a Marvel TV/Netflix series.

That’d be cool, they wouldn’t even need to follow the comics very much. Just make Cyclops a badass who makes the tough decisions (as he should be), have him make once choice at the end of a movie that’s really controversial and difficult, which sets him up as a faux-villain for the next movie. Then in the next film

I have a terrible feeling that he’ll be the next Cyclops. Where everyone treats him like a villain even though he never actually does anything villainous, he just doesn’t bend over and do exactly what Captain America and the righteous indignation brigade say.

Everyone is way more forgiving when it comes to Banner. Like, people are more comfortable being in a room with a man who could turn into an uncontrollable green rage monster at any moment than with a man who once smacked his wife while in the middle of a legitimate mental breakdown and has been apologizing for it ever

The only thing memorable about Talia al Ghul is how comically bad her death scene is.

Man, Talia’s death still stands out in my mind as perhaps the single most poorly-acted death I have ever seen on film.

I’d say the biggest affront is more that Mystique can be an extremely interesting character, but it has never once been when she’s trying to be a “good guy”. She is a great villain, and her brand of manipulation could make for some awesome plots, but instead we get her as a bland hero facing off against bland villains

I don’t think that’s really the case. The way I see it, it has more to do with the fact that uber-powerful bad-guys always seem to have wafer-thin motivations and rely on their power too much so they never have backup plans (or really any plans outside of “overpower the good-guys”).

Days of Future Past was great in comparison to the other X-men movies, but still pretty underwhelming compared to what Marvel has shown us is possible. Also randomly giving Kitty time-travel powers with no explanation was reeeaally dumb.

I await the article 5 years from now praising the return of colour to our bleak electronic lives.

The best thing about that game is that it can practically run on a toaster now. I keep a copy on my piddly netbook from 6 years ago to play when I’m waiting for ferries and it always draws a crowd of awestruck 8-year-olds.

Huh, having grown up in the 90's and owned Aqua’s first 2 albums I honestly never even considered that song could be about Indiana Jones (I’d never seen the video until now). I kind of assumed it was just part of the 90's obsession with “jonesing” for things (ie. Basketball Jones, Jones Soda, etc.) and he’d “cure her”

I don’t think it’s a problem with equity problems specifically, though (in this case). This seems to me to be an extension of the problem with our current news media, wherein everyone tries to be the first to break a story to the point where people are “breaking” stories that don’t actually exist. In this case it’s

I don’t think I said anything to contradict that. The trope basically just enforces gender roles, which is damaging to both genders.

I’d say it’s a pretty damaging stereotype for everyone, as it really just helps enforce the idea that mom needs to be home taking care of the house, because dad has an IQ of 65 and would burn it down with the kids inside while trying to microwave a breakfast burrito.

The thing about the MCU films is that they technically never deviate from canon, because they’re explicitly just another universe in Marvel’s multiverse. They even gave it an official universe number (like the main universe is 616, the Ultimate U was 1610, at least, before Secret Wars changed everything).