
I’m more annoyed that they’ve totally wasted Mystique. She’s Wolverine’s best villain by far, and they’ve made her soooooo boring as a hero.

Most of the ones you listed under Marvel weren’t actually made by Marvel, though, nor are they part of the MCU. Only Thor and one of the Hulk movies are, both of which I would watch over MoS or BvS any day of the week.

Watch as they later unveil their “over 25" option, where you pay double the price for a theatre with no babies or texting allowed.

I’d like it if for the first part of the movie, you just hear Thanos rambling on about his love of death like some crazy genocidal maniac. Then way later (maybe at the end of part 1?) have a scene where the literal personification of death appears and we realize that he wasn’t just waxing poetic.

I have a feeling they’re removing any reference to Tibet in order to cater to the Chinese market.

I’d like to see them try Hockey.

Yeah, Snyder tried, but he failed. I don’t think anyone would argue that Snyder THOUGHT he was making something great and deep and full of nuance, but so did Tommy Wiseau when he made The Room. Not that BvS is on that level, but just saying that a director tried to do something doesn’t mean much at all.

No, you might want to re-read the article. You seem to be under the impression that the “throwing ideas around” line was in reference to GotG3, but it’s clearly talking about Infinity War. The damn article is about how they already know how different the two parts of infinity war are going to be, so I fail to see how

Making this up as they go along? Isn’t planning several movies in advance the exact opposite of that?

I’ll start caring about the X-men movies when they give me a Cyclops that isn’t a punk-ass bitch.

I’m pretty sure that Marvel DID negotiate some truly wretched contracts and actually does not make any money whatsoever on the X-men movies.

As a lifetime sit-wiper, I’d like to assure all the seemingly horrified standers that I have never once accidentally touched the water, or anything in the toilet bowl, while wiping. You really have waaaay more space than you think you do. If you have enough motor control to trust yourself driving a car, you can trust