
Keep your politics out of my space opera! (/s, in case it wasn’t obvious)

You’re a walking contradiction, and I love it!

I would’ve thought Yang would be more into free throws.

It is fun to make everything about politics, right?

because their owner, coach and QB are MAGA chuds

Nah, I’m pretty sure everyone hates the Patriots for the right reasons; because their owner, coach and QB are MAGA chuds, because the brutal efficiency with which they make it to the Super Bowl is excessively boring, and because winning for going on two decades has made their fans fucking intolerable, both in the way

Eh, FWIW, I’m not averse to liberals, conservatives, etc.

truly the most authentic thoughts are “Dotard blumpf is not my president, he is hitler, believe women”

Look, honest question: Do you think that 4chan and 8ch trolls prefer that you ignore their memes, or write 1000-word think pieces on them?

“Cults and racism are really bad” isn’t really a political message though. It’s just common sense. :p

I don’t really mind politics in games, as long as it isn’t heavy handed, childish, petty, and clearly about someone or something very specific. That tends to break immersion and date a game pretty fast.

This game looks great, but, if there’s anything political about it I will not buy it.

I guess they are implying that they control the local media as well? And perhaps it’s meant to imply that the events of the game take place before word can really leak out? And an isolated community I guess. Not too preposterous

Kids can be annoying, yes, but it’s generally considered unwise to call someone else’s kid an “annoying little pissant” where they can hear you, especially when that someone is the biggest sports star in your market and gives your radio station an exclusive weekly interview (oh, and you’re a week out from the

I think there’s a significant difference between you as a parent disciplining your own child for their behavior and someone else calling them out as “an annoying little pissant”. It’s not wrong to call the child out for their behavior in a respectful manner but no, you don’t call someone else’s child “an annoying

Ummm ok? It’s still incredibly inappropriate for someone with no relationship to said child to call them a “pissant” on a regional radio station.

Yeah sure it’s just the o-line

Jesus it’s like you don’t even watch football.

Just because you can imagine it doesn't make it feasible. Nothing even remotely close to that situation has happened and nothing indicates that anything is moving in that direction. I don't care about gamergate, I don't care about anti-gamergate, I care about people being reasonable. Saying that a ridiculous premise

enormously cringe-worthy