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    Anyone can beat a 70 year old man at basketball Yang. Calm down there bud.

    What do Republicans have to do with this lol. If any political party is fitting for this analogy the Democrats love taxing successful people who rightfully earned their income.

    Isn’t this a bit of a harsh overreaction? I mean damn, it was one preseason game.

    I’m a Patriots fan and I was disappointed by the low quality of this bait.

    Now playing

    This is a prime example of this ype of debate.

    Now playing

    Want to see the best example of this style of debate?

    Except that’s the exact smear argument tactic that the Democrats and media have been using to smear Trump every day of the week for the past two years. To say that Trump is behind it is absolute projection. Trump said “Haiti is a sh*th*le” and all of a sudden hes a racist because Haiti has black people in it.

    I read the entire article before even going to the comments, and yeah, this article is indeed very mean spirited to say the least. What I read was simply a cheap and desperate attempt to disguise political fueled animosity with race. To use politics to call those who he disagrees with “racist” on the assumption that

    I read the entire article before even going to the comments, and yeah, this article is indeed very mean spirited to say the least. What I read was a simply a cheap and desperate attempt to disguise political fueled animosity with race. To use politics to call those who he disagrees with “racist” on the assumption that

    Michael, you are quite literally a disguisting human being

    Please mind your own business people. I think it shouldn’t go without saying that Jack is probably extremely proud of his cool badass father and didnt mind showing affection. This shit is really making me feel sick and sad that we have to punish Brady for showing a closer look into his personal life. People need to

    That’s the weakest attempt at making an excuse for berating a kid. I mean seriously? How much of a Beta can you be to criticize a young child? Some people have family values btw. I know many beta melinials are far too out of touch with that outdated stuff but that still doesn’t make it alright to disrespect like that.

    Harsh or not, making an article about people flaming over a gane is stupid. They didn’t make the fucking game. The typical leftist strategy is to focus on the reaction instead of the mistake when convenient.

    “It’s not EA’s fault for doing a shitty job. Let’s focus on the customer’s reaction instead. Fuck those guys!”

    It’s not their fault EA did a shitty job.

    Yeah that’s right! Let’s yell at the customers instead! Those jerks! Complaining about an unfinished game!! Mysoginists!!

    Why tho?

    Fucking creeps stalking celebrities

    Are non human mammals, then also socially classified?