
For me, the fact that the result was 'predictable' just meant that they did a good job of laying out the breadcrumbs for us. It wasn't a total shock but it made perfect sense, it was tense, and I never guessed that Bonnie would be involved but it worked.

Yeah, I find it deeply disturbing how many women have told me that they find Jamie Dornan attractive ONLY when he's playing serial killer Paul Spector in 'The Fall'.

If he bit Amabella, it could've caused an already loose baby tooth to come out. I don't think anyone's saying his tooth only fell out because he bit her.

I'm 99% sure the victim is Perry, Celeste's abusive husband. I'm about 60% sure that Madeline is the one who kills him. She's so passionate and loves both Celeste and Jane. I think once she finds out that he's been abusing Celeste for years and then raped Jane and got her pregnant while Celeste was pregnant with

Madeline thought she might have found him. Jane went to see him and realized it wasn't him. She told Madeline that he's "still out there somewhere, maybe attacking someone right now".

Exactly. If he'd been enraged when he said it, she could've rationalized it as anger or adrenaline and pretended that "he didn't mean it". The way he said it told her loud and clear that he actually has the concept of killing her in his mind and will kill her, eventually, if she doesn't get away.

I think it has to be Perry. Everything Jane said about the guy sounds exactly like Perry. Sexy, sophisticated, and charming but can turn on a dime into a violent monster.

Tonight's episode is the third one where they had Perry wearing a 'wife beater' around the house. Subtle.

Excellent idea.

The most chilling thing about the "You're lucky I didn't kill you" line is how calm and matter of factly he said it. Like he literally thinks he should've killed her and she's only still alive because he made some noble choice to spare her.

I think that's why Abigail and Madeline clash so much, they're so much alike. She's definitely her mother's daughter.

I suspect it will between it airing so early in the year and being "chick TV" to many but I really hope that a least a few performances get acknowledged because the acting has been stellar.

Yeah, I hated the dinner scene. The Celeste and Perry material along with the few scenes of Renata and Jane were good but otherwise, it was the weakest episode since the first, which I didn't care for.

Agreed. I'd really like to see all these relationships play out far longer. Especially Celeste successfully getting away from Perry. That cannot be done in 60 minutes.

They are allowed to if they wish to. There are a few very basic ethics rules that all therapists must follow but there is a lot of nuance left to the individual therapist.

To be honest, the first episode didn't impress me much and I wasn't sure I'd continue but I'm so glad I did. The second episode was very good and each successive one has been better than the last.

One or both twins are definitely attacking Amabella IMO. The sick thing is that because of how their father treats their mother and encourages them to treat her, they probably like Amabella and think this is just how you treat girls you like.

She's been stuck in a lot of thankless material the last few years but luckily she's had two projects here that really allow her to use all of her skills.

That's the missing piece of the puzzle for me: when did the physical and sexual violence begin in this relationship?

I think that's exactly what happened. Maybe he did abuse her while she was pregnant but it seems far more likely that he suffocated her with his obsessive version of "love" during her pregnancies and it drove her anxiety and blood pressure through the roof. It's also quite possible that he didn't start becoming