
I caught it a few times. It doesn't bother me though, it's hard to stick to a fake accent when you're getting very emotional. I don't see why her character couldn't just be Australian though. I think the book took place in Australia and Australian lawyers can practice in California if they pass the bar. I think it

I'd like to think so but my one concern is that the Emmys are several months away and voters tend to forget things they haven't seen in a while. I remember a few years ago when most thought McConaughey was a shoe-in for True Detective but since the show aired like eight months before the Emmys, he didn't win.

Exactly. She cannot win. There is nothing she could do to avoid this. If it wasn't the toys, it would be something else. He wanted to hit her and rape her before he left and found an excuse. It could've been anything.

When she was keeping the gun hidden "just in case" her rapist or an intruder got it? Yeah, okay. But now that she's actively pursuing the possibility of killing someone while she is the only parent of a small child and doesn't seem to have any family to care for him if she goes to prison for murder or gets herself

Bingo. I think you're right.

I agree. Plus, I think Perry has been wearing Jane's rapist's brown shoes the last two weeks.

Probably not every time but, if it is him, I seriously doubt Jane was the first or last.

Same here. The moment last week when Perry pushed his fist into the wall, still white hot with rage, hit me so hard because that's what my dad used to do. He never actually hit my mother, that I know of, but he used to push his fist into the walls and doors when he was mad at her.

I haven't read the book but a few friends who did say the same thing. That it was okay at best and the show runners here have miraculous turned it into something amazing.

Yeah, it makes me cringe every time she says that. Most of the sex we've seen them have has been quick, violent, or borderline, if not outright, rape.

It's hard to tell since we didn't see the whole thing play out but my first reaction was that he cried and she held him after the whole incident was over.

Perry raped Celeste in this episode and episode 2 in the closet.

I still have no idea how I feel about Renata. If you just look at what she thinks she knows about what's happening with her daughter, she's not wrong. And yet, she seems to approach so many things in such counterproductive and sometimes petty ways that it's hard to sympathize with her, even though we do sympathize

Sadly, women-centric material is frequently labeled trash even when it's very high quality with high-profile artists involved.

Something about the way he looks at Abigail creeps me out…just me?

Excellent point. His performance is so good that half the time, Perry's gaslighting the audience too, not just Celeste.

That's why I really want him to get one. He's been so underrated for so long. Everyone knows Kidman is great.

I think Perry is way more screwed up psychologically than Celeste can bear to admit. This guy doesn't just have a temper or get turned on by being angry.

I love the therapist. She knows exactly what she's doing and is treating Celeste exactly the way she should. Telling her the blunt truth but with the utmost compassion. Her perspective and tone are spot on. She was absolutely right when she pointed out that even though Celeste and Perry initially came in together, now

When he started picking them up…you just knew what was going to happen. I'm really glad we didn't see most of it. It was obviously brutal on a scale Celeste hasn't experienced yet and is terrified of.