
Just get creative with other people who love it and you're fine. Tricking people who hate it and you know they hate it but you do it to them anyway, is being an asshole. Just so you know.

No, don't. It cannot be unseen.

I think a season 2 could be good if it focused on Celeste rebuilding her life and dealing with the twins in the aftermath while trying to build a relationship between them and their half-brother Ziggy. I haven't read the book but according to a friend who did, Perry's death hits the twins very hard and they act out

If I remember correctly, Bonnie started watching Perry and Celeste at the point where Perry grabs her arm and she rips it away. Bonnie seemed to be the only one who noticed but it was obvious by what she saw that Celeste was afraid, especially after she asked to use someone's phone.

See, now that makes sense. I wish they'd left that detail in because it makes everything fit so much better.

Good catch, you're right. The monster definitely got more twisted and menacing over time.

I hate to say it but after the way he beat Celeste earlier in the episode, I wanted him to suffer more. He got off easy.

I didn't want to admit it but that was my first clue too. The "movement" was too similar to be a coincidence.

Agreed. Perry was attacking Celeste and assaulted every other woman who tried to protect her so, Bonnie's decisive action proved necessary to stop an attack on four women.

To the best of my knowledge, Elvis and Audrey never met. They certainly never appeared in public or in movies together. I think it came down to aesthetics. The costumes allowed Celeste to blend in a little better when Perry was stalking her, making her a little harder to find since a lot of women wore that same

I don't remember if she said she spent a whole night with him, just that they talked and he was really charming at first. She was drunk and the hotel room where the rape happened was dark. She'd never seen Perry before that moment on the stairs, except for that night seven years ago. It was dark and he was wearing a

I didn't know Vallee was doing Sharp Objects. Yes! Thanks.

That's how I saw it too. After Jane grabs Madeline's arm and Celeste and Madeline look at Jane's face and then back at him in horror, he looks at Jane and the look on
his face changes. I think he realizes who she is and that Celeste and
Madeline know what he did. That's when he attacks.

Better to be pandered to than ignored like you misogynists prefer.

Perry was definitely with Celeste when he raped Jane since the three kids are all in first grade together and Celeste had four miscarriages with Perry before getting pregnant with the twins.

That's the only thing that kind of bugs me. Situations like that never resolve so "easily". I get that it's a mini-series based on a book that ends that way but I think Celeste going through the process of getting away from him successfully would be fascinating drama. Pity we had to waste time with Abigail's "project"

They can try but, they're nowhere near as numerous or powerful in Hollywood as they used to be. Considering that she won an Oscar only a few years after her divorce from Cruise, back when they were more powerful, I think she'll be fine.


The smirk was bone-chilling. He was taunting her with how much he was going to torture her for this.

Blending humor with violence and maintaining the proper tone and tension for both is incredibly hard, even more so on film. I think they felt the humor would be out of place when they really needed to build tension for the 'big moment'.