Fifth-and-a-Half Element

Another day another white person showing their entire ass thinking they can order Black people about. 

Omg, sign me up now. Am white and willing to do a lot of slapping.

Would it be acceptable to have like a white slapper?

A white person, hired by people of color, to slap the shit out of these chucklefucks? I mean, whats the repercussion I’d face, a ticket?

Start the clock on the eventual Beto O’Rourke photo op with Grandma and her Grandbabies.  I ain’t even mad.

There’s a special room in Hell for the person who told a grandmom and her two grandbabies to get out “his” neighborhood.

So, a guy who says he’s the ex-boyfriend. Is he? Or is this another fabricated attempt at discrediting a credible witness account?

Considering only the chuddiest assholes make a stink about that fascist salute, yea, it’s awesome. And he’s a Nam Vet; I don’t think he has to salute a damn thing.


“If the Navy man who has volunteered to be the most hopeless candidate in America has something to teach the Democratic Party, it is that in a battle, every ship must be manned. Even if it is bound to sink.”

Phil Kessel—well, he actually doesn’t seem to love hot dogs as much as previously thought—but entering his 30s he looks better than ever.

Only if your mother told you to always be a good boy and never play with guns?

This comment has a Cormac McCarthy feel to it. I like it.

I shot a man in Reno, just to watch him die.

It makes me shiver thinking about when his nomination was first announced. He presented himself in such a meek, humbled manner. Watching his demeanor slowly unravel reminds me that the worst people in the world are sometimes those who society wants us to believe are the fittest. Imagine if none of this came to light.

He knows he will get confirmed if he doesn’t withdraw. He doesn’t care what this does to his family, his friends, his victims or the country. His ambition is not bound by the tiniest bit of decency.

From the NBC article:

It is important to note that he said, “I drank beer with my friends. Almost everyone did. Sometimes I had too many beers. Sometimes others did. I liked beer. I still like beer. But I did not drink beer to the point of blacking out.”

The texts from Ms. Berchem do not appear relevant or contradictory to Judge Kavanaugh’s testimony.”

Anyone with a smidgen less entitlement would have withdrawn their name by now. This guys a fucking sociopath. A raging drunk sociopath. 

This guy needs to go to rehab. And then not sit on the Supreme Court.