Fifth-and-a-Half Element

played by Paul Wesley, and serving upon the Cerritos

I didnt suggest this but I was about to. But slamming doors closed. I have a soft close option on my current car and I cant tell you how nice it is to just push/pull the door close and know it is closing the rest of the way. Not having to worry about getting into your car in a cramped space and wondering if you will

Pushbutton start is particularly great when paired with completely keyless access.

Oh God, I used to hate cold carb mornings. I had to drive down a hill from my house, and it was always: drive up short hill on gear. Then, as I start going downhill leave in gear until getting to the stop sign, then left foot clutch, shift to neutral, left foot off clutch and on to brake, right foot giving gas at the

I can’t remember the last time that I had a tire blow out. I’ve had tires be flat in my garage because I picked up a nail the day before, but that’s it.

It blows my mind how many people my age or younger still parrot the “they don’t make ‘em like they used to” line they heard from their parents/grandparents. And how many of those same parents/grandparents put their inexperienced children behind the wheel of older vehicles.

Especially when the airbags and seatbelts/shoulder harnesses are teamed up with modern concepts of energy absorption and redirection that sacrifice other parts of the car to preserve passenger compartment integrity, and the passenger compartment itself is built strong.

My suggestion was the 3,000-mile oil change interval. I guess that could fall under the “Reliability, Reliability, Reliability” entry.

I missed the original question (is the interval between QOTD and slideshow getting shorter or am I just getting out more?) but of stuff not on the list I want to nominate rear bumpers scraping on  road crowns. It used to be a common problem on long, low, flat cars that entirely succumbed to fashion now that anything

Not having airbags. Being killed by a crash that is eminently survivable today is definitely something we take for granted. I don’t need every electronic nanny, but airbags are one of the best safety inventions ever, next to seatbelts and ABS.

It’s the only thing that keeps me interested in something other than suck-starting a 9mm in traffic.

No, Matt Smith will be playing John Harrison. Definitely not Kahn, but the actual John Harrison, inventor of the chronometer.

Pretty great that they did all that amazing setup to bring Gallifrey back only to once again destroy it just a few seasons later for a plot nobody likes.

Tom Baker was my first Doctor and this broke my face.

ahh the ol’ Majel Barrett maneuver 

Now playing

I don’t think this rumor holds much water, but had to drop in and call you remiss for not referencing the absolute tear jerker/glee inducer that was Tom Baker’s return in the 50th anniversary “in years to come you might find yourself revisiting a few, but just the old favorites”

So, they’re traveling to the Cylon homeworld?

I can’t help thinking there’s a gap between the way Picard is now, and the way he once was

The moon absolutely isn’t a giant moth egg according to most Who canon either so IMO it’s all alt timelines until the doctor specifically says otherwise. Some writers really like their fixed moments in time but it’s often a lot more fluid.

Because the people doing DW now could care less about the show’s previous continuity and canon.