Fifth-and-a-Half Element

How is the best Twelfth Doctor episode not “Heaven Sent”? That thing was a masterpiece! :)

River:Go on! Scan the whole parsec! The Doctor’s not here! God knows where he is right now, but I promise you, he’s doing whatever the hell he wants, and not giving a damn about me! And I’m just fine with that!”
The Doctor:River.” 
River:When you love the Doctor, it’s like loving the stars themselves! You don’t

My first episode was probably from the Tom Baker era when it first ran here in Australia. Yes, it was a long time ago. I remember the regeneration from Tom Baker to Peter Davison being quite the surprise for me at the time.

“Husbands of River Song” is such a delight. I kind of feel like Alex Kingston had more chemistry with Capaldi than she ever did with Matt Smith.

Capaldi had more Christmas specials than justLast Christmas”— he had four Christmas specials of his own. He was also in “The Return of Doctor Mysterio,” The Husbands of River Song” and his finale, “Twice Upon a Time.”

I think it’s pretty ignorant to begrudge any dollar NFL players can get from the shitbags who own these teams before they’re cast aside to live out their likely shortened lives with a laundry list of medical problems.

Don’t show the replay, don’t show the replay. Ok GUYS this is a gruesome... this a gruesome-looking replay.”

“C’mon, just have one drink. What’s the worst that could happen?”

Shock and (Kavan)augh. 

I liked the part where Kanye motioned at Michael Che to agree with him and even Che was like “Nope.”

Are we going to talk about Kanye wearing a MAGA hat and getting booed by the audience for giving a pro-trump rant? He literally said the Democrats planned to take black fathers out of homes and put them on welfare. WTF? I guess most of it never made it on air but Chris Rock posted a video of it, it’s pretty cringey.

He’s earned almost $130 million since entering the league in 2010. Honestly, it’s impressive. Good for him.

Of course the sad part is, it’s hardly a parody (but I did laugh). 

When he said “I’m a keg is half full type of guy” I almost fell off my chair. Brilliant. (Even though Matt Damon has shown himself to be pretty ignorant of his own white male privilege in the past)

Rooting for Ohio State in any form makes me feel gross, but the thought of that crowd of 100,000 PSU fans watching that inexplicable play call and defensive choke job is some top-tier schadenfreude

Another blow to whiteness.

Kevin Spacey for Supreme Court Justice!

Some dudes get all the chicks, man. 

Always good to remind the Penn State community that it’s ok to hug someone if they said yes.

“In fact, when you think about it, it’s really the black player’s fault.  If he had just let a white boy play better, we wouldn’t be burning him in effigy.”