As a die hard Chiefs fan I hate you and respect that comment
As a die hard Chiefs fan I hate you and respect that comment
I have no idea why Cruz would consent to these debates. Standing next to Beto, Cruz just looks even more munster-like than usual.
Doesn't matter because stupid people will still vote for Cruz's dumb lines.
With the fascist Police On My Back and waiting for the Train In Vain, I am hoping that Beto can get in the Senate, stop all of the White Riot and Rock the Casbah.
This debate was just what you’d expect. Here’s a summary, I watched so you don’t have to:
“I don’t know if what all these women are saying is true. Perhaps it is. Perhaps it isn’t,” he told Slate.
Or get a better work enviroment
In high school I attended a party that involved absolutely zero booze, but instead involved walking the entire sprawling subdivision on a scavenger-hunt/hide-and-seek type of event. I didn’t even need booze to be enticed to walk 4 miles at a party!
Ian Buruma is yet more evidence that we should never trust any white man who is obsessed with Japan, even when what we’re trusting them with has nothing to do with it. White men who are obsessed with Japan are Bad. News. All the time. Every time.
BART O’Kavanaugh and OJ are teaming up for a reality series where they’ll hunt for the real killer and the real rapist together.
I normally can’t stand to look at his face or hear his voice just because I find everything about him to be so thoroughly obnoxious – not amusing, just irritating – but I got a real kick out of this one. Thanks for that. :)
Really looking forward to discussing references with job applicants in the post-Kavanaugh era.
The reason Merrick Garland was cast aside: because fuck you, that’s why.
Dentures, dementia, or both?
And now, some words of wisdom from our very stable genius president:
I am also appalled, but not surprised. I had a female supervisor who blamed her stepdaughter for her own rape and thought if a woman accepts drinks from a man she is obligated to sleep with him. At the same time, she didn’t understand why Planned Parenthood was being defunded in our state because she knew they did so…
this is a tactic by the left to try to keep conservatives off the bench.
It’s becoming increasingly clear that what they all want to say, but can’t quite bring themselves to openly admit, is “Brett Kavanaugh is of our tribe, therefore we will defend him against outsiders.” It’s the only defense they need. He’s a conservative, so he’s always right. They don’t want to admit that’s how they…
Aside from him saying that sexual harassment wasn’t a deal breaker to be on the SCOTUS, Biden and his willingness to let Thomas be passed to a full confirmation vote in the spirit of ‘bipartisanship’ and the hope that the GOP would reciprocate such behavior in the future, is a prime example of why Democrats have…