OK, but what’s Tony Danza doing there?
OK, but what’s Tony Danza doing there?
My personal favorite Trump quote on all this, from Newsweek:
I found that an interesting turn-of-phase as well. So I googled it. And what do you know...
Author: Mr. Trump is a child, but rest assured that adults are in the room.
It’s like how the Electoral College was invented to prevent a Trump presidency and yet wasn’t used correctly, also under the guise of a “constitutional crisis”. What good are the safeguards in the document if we’re too afraid to invoke them?
......... you’re going to have to be waaaaayyyyyy more specific there.
It’s one of the racists. There’s no mention at all about the racist crap Trump pulls.
I like that this dickshit says no one wants to cause a Constitutional crisis by invoking the 25th when that would be the exact fucking opposite of a Constitutional crisis, since it’s a specific Constitutional remedy for this exact fucking situation. Fuck this coward who wants to think this will save him/her.
Invoking the 25th Amendment to remove Trump should in no way absolve him and the conspirators he is surrounded with from the crimes, possibly even treason, that they have committed.
My emotions are all confused over this.
ideals long espoused by conservatives: free minds, free markets and free people.
That photo really does match what I expect of a Trump meeting...
I remember when I used to think that was funny, because I never dreamed it would someday be an accurate portrayal of the President of the United States.
But on Wednesday afternoon in particular, he spent at least part of his time at the White House with the Emir of Kuwait spewing his complaints about veteran journalist Bob Woodward’s explosive new book about the administration.
I don’t understand this mindset at all. He’s cheating? He’s a big jerk? Divorce him and take him for all he’s worth! Aside from the immorality of murder, why would you risk being jailed or executed? Okay, you hate him - you can hate him safely from afar and enjoy gouging him for all the alimony you can get. People are…
She’s been trying to kill him for a while. She shot him with a crossbow in 2016.
She should have taken out his plastic surgeon instead.
Was that what this gentleman’s face looked like before or after being poisoned?
An urban legend suggests that tetryzoline can cause violent diarrhea if given orally, such as by putting a few drops of Visine in an unsuspecting person’s beverage. However, the actual results of the prank may be worse, varying from severe nausea and vomiting to seizures or a coma. Diarrhea is not a side effect.[7]