Fifth-and-a-Half Element

I never understand that mindset. North Texas master electrician just destroyed hundreds of dollars of NFL merch he purchased as a fan of said team for... what reason exactly? He didn’t like what they did prior to a game once? Even though he espoused “caring about our freedom, and everyone’s right to be free” without

My favorite part of all of the complaints about Steelers fans is having moved from Boston to Pittsburgh and realizing how less shitty everyone was. The sad thing is that I literally lack the perspective to know whether that constitutes a defense of Pittsburgh or a truly epic insult to Boston. 

This city’s fans are the only ones who will still find a way to complain about the three losses of a 13-3 season (I counted at least two in this very article). This team could have won the Super Bowl last season and some bellend would still be in here like “BUT THEY LOST TO THE BEARS!”

My wife says I have sports rage. Nothing used to bring it out more than the Steelers — my friends say I threw a chair at the outdoor Vegas bar we were at when the Polamalu interception got overturned against Peyton Manning’s Colts in ‘06, but I don’t remember that.

Last week, a notable Pittsburgh radio host called me a “race baiter” on Twitter and then told me that “falsely accusing” someone of racism was “a pretty big offense.

So, what really sets the Yinzers apart from your generic fat, stupid, drunk sport fans is that all of this isn’t good enough.

The disparity of QB/WR coolness is sharpest in Pittsburgh. I would LOVE to hang out with Antonio or Juju for a little while; if I was forced to hang with Big Fat Ben, I’d shit in my hand, throw it at him, and then wipe the remainder on myself

Jesus fuck. I’ve seen this shirt for more than 30 years and never noticed the double negative. Being a Steelers fan actively makes me a dumber and worse person.

The last time Big Ben was held accountable for his actions was when he was in a Georgia college bar in 2010 and the league suspended him for 4 games. He is lucky as hell that the #MeToo movement was nearly a decade away. Fuck him and fuck me and everyone else who actually wore his jersey at any point in our lives. 

Society is bad. FTFY.

I love that fanbases get upset about weed.

Ben Roethlisberger looks like he’s the type of person that would park an RV in the yard of his house and live in the RV instead of the house. Ben Roethlisberger starts doing dance moves with his arms every time “Butterfly” by Crazy Town comes on at his local watering hole. Ben Roethlisberger has absolutely survived a

It’s like they took everything bad about the NFL and boiled it down and then poured it into a big fat mold and THIS asshole is what popped out of it.

Smize, Tyra. You’ve been found guilty by a Jurich of his peeves.

I hear his seats are right next to Papa John’s.

The kid’s still pissed he missed out on the hookers.

No chance.  The company will lose most of its value, get bought up, and be broken to tiny pieces before any “important” legal issues go anywhere in the appellate system.

Yep. In this day and age, comments from figureheads of corporations can and DO have a large financial impact on their brands.

The only real way out of this mess is to:

It seems silly now, but once the dust settles I predict that legal scholars will be referencing Papa John v Papa John’s for decades to come.