Chuck Schumer is the Democratic leader in the Senate. This article is about Democratic House members.
Chuck Schumer is the Democratic leader in the Senate. This article is about Democratic House members.
ICE is rotten from top to bottom. What kind of monster tears the children of refugees from their parents? A Nazi goon, that’s who. ICE needs to be abolished and those in their ranks need to be investigated and prosecuted.
Because Trump is borderline illiterate and has no filter between the handful of functional brain cells and his mouth. I seriously doubt that he could effectively verbalize a complex thought like justification for a 25% tariff on imported cars, other than “foreign cars bad.”
I really don’t understand why SHS puts up with this kind of shit day after day at her job, especially when she’s clearly so well suited for many other professions.
It is pretty damned disturbing that it’s been 17 months that it’s taken them to hold even Sanders’ feet to the fire in terms of asking actual questions. What are they afraid of? If Trump throws them out and packs the room with only his right-wing media outlets’ toadies, the major networks can just stop covering the…
My question is - where have these “hard-hitting” journalists been for the past 17 years? I mean it’s nice to see them standing up to Orange Hitler and his minions but we can all agree that this is as low as hanging fruit gets. As far as I’m concerned they’re doing the bare minimum required by their occupation.
500 days of Papa John.
Deadspin has a responsibility to keep its readers up to date about fast-food family feuds, IMO
They should drown in the see-ment pond.
There’s a special hell for inconsiderate people who expose others to their gross sick kids. My wife and I got Norovirus on Christmas Day, 2013, because her dipshit sister brought her kids to Christmas breakfast (a communal affair) when one of them had been puking earlier that very morning. We did not learn of this…
“I freaked out a lot of Seattle residents wondering why there was a woman with a camera, binoculars, and some dead animals loitering in front of their house for long periods of time.” The police were called multiple times.
Don’t forget that 48 hours after a Russian operative was arrested on US soil after attempting to infiltrate American politics using the NRA, the Treasury department relaxed donor reporting rules for the NRA.
Today has also already brought Republicans attempting to spin the facts of Friday’s indictment, trying to Whatabout the facts into a shape that supports Trump’s “double-negative” claim.
Murdered it.
Now he has something to crow about.
Oh good, here we go! We’re barely two days removed from POTUS publicly siding with a hostile foreign power over his own intelligence community, and the news cycle is already slowly moving on to the outrage over his walk back, then the outrage over his talking heads’ outrage over the outrage over his walkback. Today…
So they still haven’t figured out how the light switches work? Have they at least made any progress with the doorknobs?