Fifth-and-a-Half Element

Either that, or he has a serious disconnect with realizing that Sanders was born in 1890 and probably used the word in a very different social environment.

Just so we’re all on the same page, everyone does realize the end of his Colonel Sanders point is, “...and he never got backlash because he serves fried chicken”, right?

Loose-loose is how I would describe bowl movements created from Papa John’s pizza.

So Papa John lost his PR firm, and the PR firm had to lay off staff. So pretty much a lose-lose, which is also how I would describe paying for Papa John’s shitty pizza.

Surprised he didn’t work in some kind of defense of Scott Pruitt’s sterling character while he was at it.

I’m amazed that billions of years of evolution and thousands of years of human civilization have all lead up to the most perfect target to smash with a baseball bat and Gohmert is still walking around with his skull intact.

Damn, every time I see pics of Ghomert, I can’t help but see one of the villains from Sin City.

Wow! He even worked Hillary & Obama in there!  

I’m a scaredy cat/boring, so I’d probably just vacation in Canada over purge day.

I never really know what to say about people who die while voluntarily doing things where death is a definite possibility for kicks.

Cause of Death: Bonks

Shannon Falls in not a straight drop, there are multiple “steps” on the way down.

I’m sure they were wonderful people, but this sounds like a case of playing stupid games.

The first names thing is why I’ve never gotten on board with people hailing Jim Bob Cooter as the next hot NFL coaching prospect. Especially since, being from Tennessee, he has three first names.

Donald Trump still thinks JoePa did nothing wrong, and he keeps needing to be reminded not to appoint Dennis Hastert to any positions.

No, no — because Jordan said so. Just like how Putin said he didn’t meddle, so it didn’t happen.

On a positive note, hopefully the human population can stop growing at such a rate that we kill the planet to the point where money won’t be an issue, natural resources will be the limiting factor. 

Every subsequent paragraph just became more terrifying.

My testicles retracted into my abdomen while reading this article.