“You see, he was just saying all that stuff for the campaign though, he’s totally not a bad guy! Stop overreacting and give him a chance!” - Those people.
“You see, he was just saying all that stuff for the campaign though, he’s totally not a bad guy! Stop overreacting and give him a chance!” - Those people.
... parents and county residents began complaining to the school board.
The same kind of judgmental assholes who think it’s their job to harass my son about his long hair and accost him in the mens’ room.
Ah, but, see, we still need to “wait and see” if 45's administration is as awful as he has assured us it will be. Or, at least, so says my coworker who supports him. Because apparently having enough foresight to see that 45 is a terrible person who will usher in a lot of awful crap for a lot of people is not possible.…
until parents and county residents began complaining to the school board
I can see Nyquist’s point when he says he “didn’t mean to do that.” He was clearly aiming for the neck and connected with the face.
Ugh Tiffany, melania and ivanka aren’t helpless innocent women held captive. They have agency. Tiffany trades on her name.
Contrast: just got back from my friend’s mom’s funeral. Poor woman had a stroke in her 50s about thirteen years ago and just faded slowly, in hospice the last three. Her wake was packed and tears flowed, despite the fact that she couldn’t participate in life for over a decade. She was so loved. My friend walked…
You missed the woman’s AWESOME follow up. Bravo!
There’s a widespread misconception that everyone who dies is entitled to a flattering postmortem; that their lives…
Let’s clarify something here real quick for the folks crying “but mah Free Speech!”
The First Amendment only indemnifies you from government retribution for speech that does not cross into criminal territory (inciting a riot, shouting “fire” in a crowded theater, etc). In other words, you can say, “Government…
It’s nice to see someone get a real world penalty for internet hate speech.
Ya, this retired school teacher is going to love that characterization;
When Utah redistricted in 2011, the state’s Republican legislative majority tried to gerrymander longtime Blue Dog Democrat Jim Matheson out of his seat in Congress by splitting his relatively liberal Salt Lake County district into five parts. (He still kept it until he retired.) The piece in southeast Salt Lake…
This POS belongs here then?
bitch, you cant lawyer up, they already judged up.
Yes at 30 you are too old to get some of them. Welcome to the club, put on a shawl and pull up a rocking chair.