Fifth-and-a-Half Element

He is a fullblown lunatic. On twitter, Ashley Feinberg is doing a fantastic job of describing the space between the first tweet about Brennan’s statement and the second tweet. Something like 13 complete one thought. This would mean on average he spends like an hour and change crafting 5 tweets.

Nah, they don’t even care about boning. (milo’s gay) They just hate women because their misogyny and racism makes them feel powerful.

I gotta give these right wing/alt right/whatever they are called at the moment assholes credit, they’ve learned how to game the system. They ask to speak at a college campus. The college administration, concerned about being portrayed a bastions of the left in the right wing media which could affect enrollments agree

This needs more stars so more people will get on this.

Where you been? You have a great mind - share it more. XO

It is even deeper. He is advocating for their murder.

I like where your mind’s at.

Also, $500 says this guys ‘believes’ in “the sanctity of life.”

I’m reckoning there’s more than “a” friend who’d volunteer to test out the law…

6th term Republican from North Dakota 39th District.

One thing to look forward to:
Trump built this insanely massive building on the South Florida beach property, it’s horrible and blocks out the sun from residents who have been living there for decades.
However, since he obviously doesn’t believe in climate change, Mr. expired cheeto probably doesn’t also believe that

You can use the term “pedestrians” if you want, Mr. Kempenich but that is just a term that keeps you from facing the reality. These are PEOPLE. People. You are telling one group of people that it is okay to hit another group of people with a 2 ton killing machine just because you don’t care for what they stand for or

“Kempenich said one should consider what might happen if someone panics when coming upon a group of people gathered along a public roadway.”

In several Key States the difference between Trump and Hillary was lower(in some cases far lower) than the number of people who voted Stein.

I am still convinced people in power see pregnant women as incubating zombies. They have no say, no input, and no will to control themselves from aborting willy nilly.

But remember people, Hillary was just as bad as Trump and people who voted Third Party just so they could personally feel good aren’t selfish in anyway.