Fifth-and-a-Half Element

Right, same here. I have already had to take a few friends/coworkers to task for bitching about the PC culture or have expressed glee in the Trump victory (even if it is just to troll people on the internet). I don’t let that shit slide and most people, if they think highly of you, will recoil in shame when you let

This is some pretty A+ trolling. Talks about black people food, posts pictures of fried chicken. lulz

Ironically, this looks like a dish from Cracker Barrel.

Also “low country food” as it was called in some southern novels.

Given the other language as well?

Maybe that was her intention, but calling it black people food put the racist cherry on the top of that shit sundae.


The rest of this deplorable language, I understand. I hate it, and her, but I understand what it means.

Seems like an open and shut case to me. It’s not fair to only serve tourists to black people.

Eli, sadly, was not invited

Because white people.

I was just watching CNN in the breakroom. They were interviewing some former FBI expert on what can be done. He danced around the question but eventually just came out and said that law enforcement can’t do jack-shit to stop “lone wolf” attacks in a country with easy access to firearms and lax gun control.

I was waiting for this stupidity to pop up, and I’m glad you obliged. There is a vast difference between laying a hit on someone, which is what you expect when you walk on the field, and having an item of personal property destroyed because Dickhead McShitbrains decided to act like a douche.

Low enough for him to trip over, resulting in another torn ACL.

Please let the NFL contract and merge the Browns and Bills into the Lake Erie Suck Machine.

And some of their 3rd string, too!

He absolutely proved the fans wrong that said he couldn’t play in the nfl, now he’s splitting hairs somewhat claiming the browns are in the nfl

Think for a second. Think about how egotistical you need to be to start the season as QB, have your shoulder explode around week 2, not come back until the end, see your team go 1-15 and think “heh, nailed it.”

He’s right. Those are the same people who insisted that LiLo’s movie career was over, and look how wrong they were about that.